Hello and welcome to exampundit. So here are the Daily Word List of 27 January, 2017.
1. Flutter (v): To flap or wave quickly but
Synonyms: wave
rapidly, flap, drift, hover.
rapidly, flap, drift, hover.
Use: flags fluttering
in the wind.
in the wind.
2. Swindler
(n): person who swindles, cheats
or defrauds.
(n): person who swindles, cheats
or defrauds.
Synonyms: cheater,
thief, fraud.
thief, fraud.
Use: never trust
a swindler.
a swindler.
3. Bolster
(v): To brace, reinforce, secure, or
(v): To brace, reinforce, secure, or
Synonyms: help, aid.
Use: the fall in
interest rates is starting to bolster confidence
interest rates is starting to bolster confidence
4. Seethe
(v): to be in a violent or agitated
state of mental or emotional turmoil.
(v): to be in a violent or agitated
state of mental or emotional turmoil.
Synonyms: fume, bristle,
be very angry.
be very angry.
Use: Inwardly he
was seething at the slight to his authority
was seething at the slight to his authority
5. Mien
(n): facial expression or attitude, especially
one which is intended by its bearer.
(n): facial expression or attitude, especially
one which is intended by its bearer.
Synonyms: countenance,
demeanor manner.
demeanor manner.
Use: A confident man
is crucial for persuading others.
is crucial for persuading others.
6. Sepulture (n): burial chamber.
Synonyms: grave, mound,
vault, tomb.
vault, tomb.
Use: As one dead
in the bottom of a sepulture.
in the bottom of a sepulture.
7. Hoist (v): To raise; to lift; to elevate;
especially, to raise or lift to a desired elevation, by means of tackle or
pulley, as a sail, a flag, a heavy package or weight.
especially, to raise or lift to a desired elevation, by means of tackle or
pulley, as a sail, a flag, a heavy package or weight.
Synonyms: lift, erect,
Use: They land my
goods, and hoist my flying sails.
goods, and hoist my flying sails.
8. Blase (adj.): Unimpressed with something because of over-familiarity.
Synonyms: casual,
indifferent, nonchalant, unimpressed.
indifferent, nonchalant, unimpressed.
Use: He is far
too blase about such a serious matter.
too blase about such a serious matter.
9. Mettle (n): a quality of endurance and courage.
Synonyms: boldness,
strength of character, bravery, caliber.
strength of character, bravery, caliber.
Use: the team
showed their true mettle in the second half
showed their true mettle in the second half
10. Irk (v): to irritate; annoy; bother.
Synonyms: aggravate,
bother, disturb, rub the wrong way.
bother, disturb, rub the wrong way.
Use: It irks me
to do all this work and have someone destroy it.
to do all this work and have someone destroy it.
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