Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a Vocabulary Test for Bank & SSC Examinations.

Each question below consists of a word printed in capitals, followed by four small lettered words or phrases. Choose two small lettered words or phrases that are most nearly the same in meaning to the word in capitals.
(a) feign (b) spread
(c) mellow (d) hypocrisy
Answer & Solutions
Option: A & D
Explanation: Sham’ : (as verb) feign, pretend; (as noun) imposture, pretence; ‘feign’ (1) and ‘hypocrisy’ (d) are closest synonyms, ‘spread’ (b) and ‘mellow’ (soft and rich, softened or matured) (c) are not. Except (a) and (d) other options are wrong.
(a) during (b) guile
(c) entice (d) guilt
Answer & Solutions
Option: B&C
Explanation: ‘Wile’ : (as noun) a stratagem, a trick or cunning procedure; (as verb) lure or entice; ‘guile’ (treachery, deceit, cunning) (b) and ‘entice’ (persuade by the offer of pleasure or reward) (c) are closest synonyms; ‘during’ (a) and ‘guilt’ (d) are not. Except (b) and (c) other options are wrong.
(a) decree (b) edict
(c) auto (d) design
Answer & Solutions
Option: A&B
Explanation: Fiat’ : an authorisation, a decree or order; ‘decree’ (a) and ‘edict’ : (an order proclaimed by authority) (b) are closest synonyms; ‘auto’ (c) and ‘design’ (d) are not. Except (a) and (b) other options are wrong.
(a) crowd (b) belief
(c) faction (d) party
Answer & Solutions
Option: C&D
Explanation: ‘Sect’ : a party or faction in a religious body, a religious denomination, a body of people subscribing to religious doctrines different from others in the same religion; ‘faction’ (a small organised, dissenting group) (c) and ‘party’ (d) are closest synonyms. Except (c) and (d) other options are wrong.
(a) bottom (b) complete
(c) lever (d) flagrant
Answer & Solutions
Option: B&D
Explanation: ‘Rank’ : (here) offensive, loathsome, indecent, flagrant, gross, complete etc.; ‘complete’ (b) and ‘flagrant’ (d) are closest synonyms, ‘bottom’ (a) and ‘lever’ (c) are not. Except (b) and (d) other options are wrong.
(a) avoid (b) attest
(c) avow (d) deny
Answer & Solutions
Option: B&C
Explanation: ‘Aver’ : assert, affirm, attest (certifying the validity of, be evidence of) (b) and ‘avow’ (admit, confess) (c) are closest synonyms; ‘avoid’ (a) and ‘deny’ (d) are not. Except (b) and (c) other options are wrong.
(a) jargon (b) contradiction
(c) argot (d) talk
Answer & Solutions
Option: A&C
Explanation: ‘Cant’ : insincere, pious, moral talk, language peculiar to a class, profession, sect etc.; ‘jargon’ (words used by a particular profession or group) (a) and ‘argot’ (the jargon of a group or class, formerly esp. of criminals) (c) are closest synonyms; ‘contradiction’ (b) and ‘talk’ (d) are not. Except (a) and (c) other options are wrong.
(a) senator (b) put
(c) distribute (d) parcel (out)
Answer & Solutions
Option: C&D
Explanation: ‘Dole’ : a charitable (esp. sparing, niggardly gift of food, clothes or money), ‘distribute’ (c) and ‘parcel’ (out) (d) are closest synonyms; ‘senator’ (a) and ‘put’ (b) are not. Except (c) and (d) other options are wrong.
(a) bog (b) mush
(c) briar (d) entangle
Answer & Solutions
Option: A&D
Explanation: ‘Mire’ : a stretch of boggy or swampy ground, mud, dirt; ‘bog’ (a) and ‘entangle’ (cause to get caught in a snare or among obstacles) (d) are closest synonyms; ‘mush’ (soft pulp; feeble sentimentality) (b) and ‘briar’ (any prickly bush esp. of a wild rose) (c) are not. Except (a) and (d) other options are wrong.
10. TILT
(a) charge (b) incline
(c) fall (d) admire
Answer & Solutions
Option: A&B
‘Tilt’ : assume or cause to assume a sloping position, strike or charge at; ‘charge’ (a) and ‘incline’ (b) are the synonyms; ‘fall’ (c) and ‘admire’ (d) are not. Except (a) and (b), other options are wrong.
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