Profit and Loss Problems – SBI PO Prelims 2015

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for SBI PO Prelims specifically based on Profit and Loss problems.

1. If one loss 12% by
selling oranges at 14 for a rupee, how many oranges for a rupee should one sell
gain 12%?
(A) 14
(B) 11
(C) 10
(D) 12
(E) None of these
2. A dealer makes his
goods 30% above cost price, but makes a reduction of 6 ¼ % on the marked price

for ready money. Find his gain per cent.
(A) 21 1/2%
(B) 22%
(C) 23 3/4%
(D) 26 1/7%
(E) None of these

3. A tradesman by
means of a false balance defrauds to the extent of 10% in buying goods and also

defrauds 10% in selling. What per cent
does he gain on his outlay by his dishonesty ?
(A) 10%
(B) 11%
(C) 20%
(D) 21%
(E) None of these
4. Mohan sells two
horses for Rs. 1955 each. On one of them he gains 15% and on the other he losses

15%. Find his total gain or loss.
(A) gain of Rs. 90
(B) loss of Rs. 90
(C) No loss no profit
(D) Profit of Rs. 150
(E) None of these
5. A grocer mixes 26
kg. of tea which costs him Rs. 2·00 a kg. with 30 kg. of tea which costs Rs.
3·60 a kg.
and sells the mixture at
Rs. 3 a kg. What is his total percentage of gain ?
(A) 8%
(B) 5%
(C) 10%
(D) No profit no loss
(E) None of these

6. A shopkeeper
estimates his profit at 22 ½ % of the cost price. If his sale in one week were
of Rs. 392,
how much of this was his
profit ?
(A) 72
(B) 70
(C) 18·2
(D) 88·2
(E) None of these
7. A house was sold
for Rs. 12,600 at a profit of 5% on the cost price. What per cent would have
gained if it had been sold for
Rs. 13,000 ?
(A) 20%
(B) 9%
(C) 10%
(D) 8 1/3%
(E) None of these

8. A farmer bought a
cow for a certain sum and sold it at a loss of 15% of the cost price. If he received

Rs. 90 more he would have gained7 ½% on
the cost price. How much did the cow cost him ?
(A) Rs. 440
(B) 400
(C) Rs. 1,200
(D) 600
(E) None of these

9. One type writer
marked for sale at Rs. 480. Dealer allows discount of 10% and yet makes profit
of 8%.
What should his gain be if no
discount were allowed ?
(A) Rs. 80
(B) Rs. 38·4
(C) Rs. 20
(D) Rs. 48
(E) None of these

10. A draper buys 100
shawls for Rs. 2,450. He sells 76 of them at Rs. 35 each, and the rest at half
of that
price. How much does he gain
? What is his gain per cent on the cost price ?
(A) Rs. 630, 25 5/7%
(B) Rs. 50, 26 26/49%
(C) Rs. 730, 29 39/49%
(D) Rs. 832, 29 1/4%
(E) None of these



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