Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. From now on, we will be having a weekly Current Affairs Crossword Puzzle for you all.
This is typically for the serious students, so few might not like this. This will not only enhance your Current Affairs Knowledge rapidly but on the other hand, time management, logical ability, memory and concentration will increase in a large amount.
In every crossword puzzle, there will the word “Exampundit” given with the hint “Achieve. Inspire. Repeat”. Others will be based on recent current affairs. There can be answers like “RKNarayn”(example) without any spaces. Or there can be answers only from Surname or First Name.
This will help you all to excel both mentally and in the GA part.
The first issue of Current Affairs Crossword Puzzle has 1st to 10th June Current Affairs!
How to Use It:
The PDF has Hints in it which you will need to solve and the Crossword is a Image which can be edited/printed as per your need!
Send your answers by Friday of every week! Top scorers will be featured on the next Crossword!
Send your answers at admin@exampundit.in with subject “Crossword Answers”
First few will give a hard time while solving, but later you will love it!!
Team ExamPundit
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