Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Puzzle Quiz for SBI PO Prelims 2017.
{1-5}: read the following information and answer the questions that follow:
{1-5}: read the following information and answer the questions that follow:
A, B, C, D and E
were five executives of a company X. Each belongs to five different states and
each one was an international player but was associated with different games. They
once gathered at Delhi railway station with a purpose to travel to five
different places. Before departure they decided to take hot beverages. One
person, who was associated with Basketball preferred tea to coffee while others
preferred coffee to tea. The four persons who took coffee were- A, the person
belonging to Punjab, the one who had to travel to Bangalore, and the one who
was associated with Tennis. D did not take Tea and he had to travel to Mumbai.
D was found busy in conversation with his friend whose home state was Punjab
and was one of the five executives. B had to travel to Bhopal. He did not take
Tea. E was not associated with Cricket, Volleyball or Football. But the person
who had to travel to Kolkata was associated with Cricket and the person whose
home state was Kerala was associated with Football. D did not belong to Bihar.
The Executive whose home state was Bihar took coffee. The person whose home
state was MP, had to travel to a city which was not Chennai. One of the
executives belonged to AP. The names of the games, cities and states used above
are not irrelevant.
were five executives of a company X. Each belongs to five different states and
each one was an international player but was associated with different games. They
once gathered at Delhi railway station with a purpose to travel to five
different places. Before departure they decided to take hot beverages. One
person, who was associated with Basketball preferred tea to coffee while others
preferred coffee to tea. The four persons who took coffee were- A, the person
belonging to Punjab, the one who had to travel to Bangalore, and the one who
was associated with Tennis. D did not take Tea and he had to travel to Mumbai.
D was found busy in conversation with his friend whose home state was Punjab
and was one of the five executives. B had to travel to Bhopal. He did not take
Tea. E was not associated with Cricket, Volleyball or Football. But the person
who had to travel to Kolkata was associated with Cricket and the person whose
home state was Kerala was associated with Football. D did not belong to Bihar.
The Executive whose home state was Bihar took coffee. The person whose home
state was MP, had to travel to a city which was not Chennai. One of the
executives belonged to AP. The names of the games, cities and states used above
are not irrelevant.
Q 1. Which of the following clues is not necessary
to answer the question given below?
to answer the question given below?
Question: Among the given persons A, B, C, D and E, whose home state is AP?
I. B had to travel to Bhopal
II. D does not belong to Bihar
III. E was not associated with Cricket, Volleyball
or Football
or Football
(1) Only I
(2) Only II
(3) Only III
(4) Any one of these
(5) None of these
Q 2. The person whose home state is Bihar,
(1) C
(2) D
(3) A
(4) Can’t Say
(5) B
Q 3. B is associated with
(1) Cricket
(2) Football
(3) Volleyball
(4) Can’t Say
(5) Basketball
Q 4. The person who had to go to Bhopal is associated
(1) MP
(2) AP
(3) Punjab
(4) Can’t Say
(5) None of these
Q 5. Which of the following combinations is
not correctly matched?
not correctly matched?
(1) A – Bihar – Kolkata – Cricket – Coffee
(2) B – Punjab – Bhopal – Volleyball – Coffee
(3) C – Kerala – Bangalore – Football – Coffee
(4) E – AP – Chennai – Basketball – Coffee
(5) D – MP – Mumbai – Tennis – Coffee

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{6-10}: Read the following information and answer the questions given below.
{6-10}: Read the following information and answer the questions given below.
P, Q, R, S, T,
U, W and X are eight persons in a family. There are three married couples in
the family. The persons are from three generations. All females of this family
are married. Q and P are the offspring’s of S while W and X are the offspring’s
of T and R respectively. U is the wife of S. R is one of the females and she is
not the wife of P. Among them there are three Teachers, two Businessmen, two
Athletes and One Painter. Each Person has only one occupation. All of them are
sittings around a circular table. They sit in such a manner that only one of
the grandsons of S is sitting between R and P, while only T is sitting between
Q and U. one of the sons of S is on the immediate left of S. Only one person is
sitting between R and Q, but it is not X. W, who is not sitting next to Q, is
also not sitting opposite to S. Q is not sitting opposite a female. The persons
who are not on the immediate left of W and immediate right of Q are not
Teachers while X is a renowned Painter. The persons who are sitting next to T
are neither Businessmen not Teacher.
U, W and X are eight persons in a family. There are three married couples in
the family. The persons are from three generations. All females of this family
are married. Q and P are the offspring’s of S while W and X are the offspring’s
of T and R respectively. U is the wife of S. R is one of the females and she is
not the wife of P. Among them there are three Teachers, two Businessmen, two
Athletes and One Painter. Each Person has only one occupation. All of them are
sittings around a circular table. They sit in such a manner that only one of
the grandsons of S is sitting between R and P, while only T is sitting between
Q and U. one of the sons of S is on the immediate left of S. Only one person is
sitting between R and Q, but it is not X. W, who is not sitting next to Q, is
also not sitting opposite to S. Q is not sitting opposite a female. The persons
who are not on the immediate left of W and immediate right of Q are not
Teachers while X is a renowned Painter. The persons who are sitting next to T
are neither Businessmen not Teacher.
Q 6. The two females who are sitting
adjacent to each other are
adjacent to each other are
(1) R and T
(2) R and P
(3) T and R
(4) Can’t be determined
(5) None of these
Q 7. The only person who is sitting between
Q and R is a/an
Q and R is a/an
(1) Businessmen
(2) Teacher
(3) Athlete
(4) Painter
(5) Can’t be determined
Q 8. The only male who is sitting opposite
a female is a/an
a female is a/an
(1) Businessmen
(2) Teacher
(3) Athlete
(4) Painter
(5) Can’t be determined
Q 9. Which of the following statements is
true regarding the person who is sitting between W’s father and X’s
true regarding the person who is sitting between W’s father and X’s
(1) She is sitting opposite a Teacher
(2) She is a Painter
(3) He is sitting one place away from a Businessmen
(4) He is the son of an Athlete
(5) He is the grandson of a Teacher
Q 10. Who among the following is/are not a Teacher?
(1) Can’t be determined
(2) One of the grandsons of U, who is Q’s son
(3) Mother of W
(4) P
(5) All of the above
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