SBI PO 2015 – Essay Contest – Part 3

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is the third part of our Essay Contest. This week we have included Letters in the topics.

Send us your entries by 25th of this month to Make sure you send in Word Format.

The Topics Are:

  1. Write a letter to your friend concerning the Net Neutrality
  2. Write an essay on Our Responsibilities towards the Financial Development
    of India.
  3. Write an essay on The rise of Global E-Waste.
  4. Write an application to the Branch Manager of your Bank requesting to issue a RuPay Debit Card on your name.
  5. Write a brief Advantages and Disadvantages of Striking Down
    Section 66A of IT Act.
  6. Government Should take Strongest actions against Tobacco Use.


Team ExamPundit


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