SBI Clerk 2018: Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Prelims – 20

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Quantitative Aptitude Quiz on Ratio & Proportion for Prelims exam of SBI Clerk 2018.


1. The salaries of P,Q and R are in the ratio 2 : 3: 5. If the increments of 15% , 10% and 20% are allowed respectively in their salaries, then what will be the new ratio of their salaries?
1) 3 : 3 :10
2) 10: 11 :20
3) 23: 33: 60
4) 25: 27 : 29
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3

Explanation: 2 * 115/100 : 3 * 110/100 : 5 * 120/100
= 23/10 : 33/10 : 6 = 23 : 33 : 60


2.If Rs. 782 be divided into three parts , proportional to ½ : 2/3 : ¾ , then the first part is?
1) Rs. 204
2) Rs. 184
3) Rs. 164
4) Rs. 244
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 1

Explanation: L, C M of 2 , 3 and 4 is 12
½ : 2/3 : ¾ = 12/2 : 12 * 2/3 : 12 * ¾ = 6 : 8 : 9
1st part is 6/ ( 6+ 8 +9) * 782 = 6 * 34 = 204


3. A sum of money is to be distributed among Rahul , Virat , Sachin and Dhoni in the proportion of 5: 2 : 4: 3. If Sachin gets Rs. 1000 more than Dhoni , what is Virat’s share?
1) Rs. 5000
2) Rs. 2000
3) Rs. 4000
4) Rs. 3000
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2

Explanation: Rahul : Virat : Sachin : Dhoni = 5 : 2 : 4 : 3
Sachin – Dhoni = 4x – 3x = 1000
X = 1000
Then Virat’s share is 1000 * 2 =2000


4. The ratio between Soumi’s and Sneha’s age at present is 2 : 3. Soumi is 6 yrs younger than Sneha. The ratio of Soumi;s age after 6 yrs to Sneha’s age after 6 yrs will be?
1) 2 : 3
2) 1 : 2
3) 3 : 4
4) 4: 5
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3

Explanation: Soumi : Sneha = 2x : 3x
3x – 2x = 6 Then x = 6
Soumi = 2* 6= 12 & Sneha = 3 * 6= 18
Soumi’s age after 6 yrs : Sneha’s age after 6 yrs = 12 +6 : 18 + 6 = 18 : 24 = 3 : 4


5. Sharma Ji divides his property, so that his son’s share to his wife’s share and wife’s share to his daughter’s share both are in the ratio 3 : 1. If the daughter gets Rs. 10000 less than son, then the value ( in rupee) of the whole property is?
1) Rs. 17000
2) Rs. 18250
3) Rs. 16250
4) Rs. 14250
5) None of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3

Explanation: Sharma’s son : Sharma’s wife = 3 : 1
Sharma’s wife : Sharma’s daughter = 3 : 1
Sharma’s son : Wife : Daughter = 9 : 3 : 1
Son – daughter = 10000
9x – x =10000 ; 8x= 10000 ; x = 1250
Total = 9 + 3 + 1= 13
1250 * 13= 16250


6. The ratio of the ages of Ranveer and Ranbir 10 yrs ago was 1 : 3. The ratio of their ages 5 yr hence will be 2 : 3. Then, the ratio of their present age is?
1) 2 : 5
2) 3 : 5
3) 4 : 5
4) 1 : 5
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2

Explanation: Ranveer : Ranbir = 1 : 3 ( 10 yrs ago )
X + 15 : 3x +15 = 2 : 3 ( 5 yrs hence )
By solving the equation, x= 5
Ranveer = 5 & ranbir 3*5 = 15
Present age of Ranveer= 5 +10 = 15 & Present age of Ranbir = 15 +10 = 25
15:25= 3 : 5


7. If 378 coins consist of 1 rupees , 50 paise and 25 paise whose values are in the ratio of 13 : 11 : 7, the number of 50 paise coins will be?
1) 132
2) 128
3) 144
4) 150
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 1

Explanation: 1 rupee: 50 paisa : 25 paisa = 13 : 11 : 7 ( value)
In number of coin the ratio is = 13 : 22 : 28
Total no of coins 13 +22 + 28= 63
In 63 the no of 50 paisa coin is 22
In 378 the no of 50 paisa coin = 22 * 378 / 63 = 132


8. The ratio of incomes of P and Q is 3 : 4and the ratio of their expenditures is 2 : 3. If both of them save 6000, the total income of P is?
1) Rs. 20000
2) Rs. 18000
3) Rs. 12000
4) Rs. 30000
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2

Explanation: Income ratio of P and Q is 3 : 4
Expenditure ratio of P and Q is 2 : 3
Each saved 6000
3x – 2x = 6000 : x= 6000
Income of P is 3 * 6000= 18000


9. 94 is divided into two parts in such a way that the fifth part of the first and the eight part of the second are in the ratio 3 : 4. The first part is?
1) 30
2) 24
3) 18
4) 32
5) 20

Answer & Solutions

Option: 1

Explanation: First part is x Second part is 94 – x
x/ 5 : ( 94 – x)/ 8 = 3 : 4
x : 94 – x = 15 : 32 so, x = 30


10. Three vessels having volumes in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5 are full of a mixture of water and milk. In the first vessel ratio of water and milk is 1 : 3 and in second 2 : 3 and in third vessel 2 : 5. If all the three vessels were poured out in a large container, what is the resulting ratio of milk and water?
1) 219 : 481
2) 481 : 219
3) 458 : 223
4) 223 : 458
5) none of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2

Explanation: In first vessel the amount of water is 2 * ¼ = ½ the amount of milk is 2* ¾ = 3/2
In second vessel the amount of water is 3 * 2/5 = 6/5 the amount of milk is 3 * 3/5 = 9 /5
In third vessel the amount of water is 5 * 2/7 = 10 /7 the amount nof milk is 5 * 5/7 = 25 /7
Water in total= ½ +6/5 + 10/7
Milk in total = 3/2 + 9/5 +25/7
The ratio of milk and water is= 3/2 + 9/5 + 25/7 : ½ + 6/5 + 10/7
= 481 : 219




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