Hello and welcome to exampundit . Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz for Upcoming IBPS Clerk VI Mains.
[Directions 1-5]: Read
the following information and answer the questions that follow.
the following information and answer the questions that follow.
There are six mothers – A, B, C, D, E and F. All are making
plan to have fun with their children – P, Q, R, S, T and U, but not necessarily
in the same order. But all of them have some urgent piece of work in clinic,
shop, parlor, garden and two of them have to visit shopping mall. All mothers
& their children like different ice-creams viz Vanilla, Chocobar, Pesta,
Black Current in pair. But Vanilla and Chocobar are preferred by two pairs. A
and D visit shopping mall but do not like either Vanilla or Black Current
ice-cream. E can’t go out either with P or with Q she doesn’t go to a parlor
and does not eat Pesta or Chocobar. S and R want to go to clinic and parlor
respectively. C goes out with U to shop but doesn’t like either Chocobar or
Black Current ice-cream. B goes to clinic and likes Vanilla. E goes out with T.
Both of them like Black Current. The one who go to parlor likes Chocobar. C
don’t like Pesta.
plan to have fun with their children – P, Q, R, S, T and U, but not necessarily
in the same order. But all of them have some urgent piece of work in clinic,
shop, parlor, garden and two of them have to visit shopping mall. All mothers
& their children like different ice-creams viz Vanilla, Chocobar, Pesta,
Black Current in pair. But Vanilla and Chocobar are preferred by two pairs. A
and D visit shopping mall but do not like either Vanilla or Black Current
ice-cream. E can’t go out either with P or with Q she doesn’t go to a parlor
and does not eat Pesta or Chocobar. S and R want to go to clinic and parlor
respectively. C goes out with U to shop but doesn’t like either Chocobar or
Black Current ice-cream. B goes to clinic and likes Vanilla. E goes out with T.
Both of them like Black Current. The one who go to parlor likes Chocobar. C
don’t like Pesta.
1. Who among the following visits clinic?
1) E
2) B
3) F
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
2. Which flavor does R like?
1) Chocobar
2) Pesta
3) Vanilla
4) Black Current
5) None of these
3. Who goes to garden?
1) R
2) T
3) P
4) S
5) Can’t be determined
4. If A goes out with P, who among the following likes
Pesta ice-cream?
Pesta ice-cream?
1) T
2) S
3) R
4) U
5) Can’t be determined
5. Which flavor does C like?
1) Pesta
2) Black Current
3) Chocobar
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
Solutions –
[Directions 6-10]:
Read the following information and answer the questions that follow.
Read the following information and answer the questions that follow.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input
line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each
step. The following is an illustration of input and various steps of
rearrangement. (All the number are two digit numbers):
line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each
step. The following is an illustration of input and various steps of
rearrangement. (All the number are two digit numbers):
Input: And 25 patient 36 inside 8 of 27 decade
216 court 49.
216 court 49.
Step I: And 27 25 patient 36 inside 8 of decade
216 court 49.
216 court 49.
Step II: And 27 inside 216 25 patient 36 8 of
decade court 49.
decade court 49.
Step III: And 27 inside 216 of 8 25 patient 36
decade court 49.
decade court 49.
Step IV: And 27 inside 216 of 8 court 25 patient
36 decade 49.
36 decade 49.
Step V: And 27 inside 216 of 8 court 25 decade
36 patient 49.
36 patient 49.
Step V is the last step of the rearrangement as the
desired arrangement is obtained. As per rules followed in the above
steps, find out in each of the questions the appropriate step for the given
desired arrangement is obtained. As per rules followed in the above
steps, find out in each of the questions the appropriate step for the given
Input: Went 216 broke 8 is 27 through 16 actors
25 out 49.
25 out 49.
6. How many steps are required to complete this
1) Five
2) Six
3) Four
4) Seven
5) None of these
7. Which of the following is seventh from the left in
step IV ?
step IV ?
1) 27
2) broke
3) out
4) 25
5) Went
8. Which of the following will represents step III?
1) Actors 216 out 27 is 8 went broke through 25 16 49.
2) Actors 27 out 216 is went 8 broke 25 through 16 49.
3) Actors 216 is 8 out went 27 broke 16 through 25 49.
4) Actors 216 is 8 out 27 went broke through 16 25 49.
5) None of these
9. What is the position of ’25’ in step IV?
1) Seventh from left
2) Fifth from left
3) Fifth from right
4) Sixth from left
5) None of these
10. If in step V ‘Actors’ is related to ‘is’ and ‘out’ is
related to ‘broke’ in a certain way. Following the same way ‘through’ is
related to which of the following?
related to ‘broke’ in a certain way. Following the same way ‘through’ is
related to which of the following?
1) Broke
2) 49
3) 16
4) went
5) None of these
Solutions – Machine arranges one word and one number alternately, In the rearrangement at first words start with vowels are arranged in ascending order as given in alphabetical series then the numbers are arranged according to the number of alphabet given in the word. The number is arranged according to the cube of the number of alphabet given in the word start with vowel. Now, the consonant are arranged in ascending order as given in alphabetical series. The numbers of arranged according to the square of the alphabet given in the word start with consonant.
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