Hello and welcome to exampundit . Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz for Bank Exams 2016-17.
Directions (Q. 1-3):
Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Study the following information to answer the given questions.
In a certain code ‘ek la ki’ means ‘don’t touch flowers’,
‘ra ku’ means ‘respect teachers’ and ‘ek ra le’ means ‘don’t hurt teachers’.
‘ra ku’ means ‘respect teachers’ and ‘ek ra le’ means ‘don’t hurt teachers’.
1. How is ‘respect’
written in that code?
written in that code?
(a) ra
(b) ku
(c) either ra or ku
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these
2. How is ‘flowers’
written in that code?
written in that code?
(a) ek
(b) la
(c) ki
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these
3. How is ‘teachers
touch flowers’ written in that code?
touch flowers’ written in that code?
(a) ki le ra
(b) ra ek ki
(c) ki la ra
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these
Solutions -ek la ki – don’t touch flowers … (1) ra ku – respect teachers … (2) ek ra le – don’t hurt teachers … (3) From (1) and (3), ek – don’t … (4)
From (2) and (3), ra – teachers … (5)
Directions (Q. 4-6):
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input
line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each
step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each
step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.
Input: party 67
big 48 ever 11 35 yet 54 night 21
big 48 ever 11 35 yet 54 night 21
Step I: 11 party
67 48 ever 35 yet 54 night 21 big
67 48 ever 35 yet 54 night 21 big
Step II: 21 11
party 67 48 35 yet 54 night big ever
party 67 48 35 yet 54 night big ever
Step III: 35 21
11 party 67 48 yet 54 big ever night
11 party 67 48 yet 54 big ever night
Step IV: 48 35 21
11 67 yet 54 big ever night party
11 67 yet 54 big ever night party
Step V: 54 48 35
21 11 67 big ever night party yet
21 11 67 big ever night party yet
Step VI: 67 54 48
35 21 11 big ever night party yet
35 21 11 big ever night party yet
Step VI is the last step.
As per the rules followed in above steps, find out in each
of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: sure 72
create 39 17 fever ultra 65 81 wind
create 39 17 fever ultra 65 81 wind
4. Which of the
following will be the last step of the rearrangement?
following will be the last step of the rearrangement?
(a) Step IV
(b) Step V
(c) Step VI
(d) Step VII
(e) None of these
5. Which of the
following is step III of the rearrangement?
following is step III of the rearrangement?
(a) 65 39 17 72 wind 81 ultra create fever sure
(b) 72 39 17 65 ultra sure wind 81 create fever
(c) 65 39 17 72 ultra 81 wind create fever sure
(d) 72 65 39 17 wind ultra 81 create fever sure
(e) None of these
6. In step IV, if in
a certain way ‘wind’ is related to ‘17’ and ‘create’ is related to ‘81’ which of
the following would ‘sure’ be related
to, following the same pattern?
a certain way ‘wind’ is related to ‘17’ and ‘create’ is related to ‘81’ which of
the following would ‘sure’ be related
to, following the same pattern?
(a) 39
(b) 65
(c) create
(d) wind
(e) None of these
Solutions -The machine rearranges one number at the left end and one word at the right end. Numbers are arranged in ascending order at the left end from right to left. Similarly words are arranged in alphabetical order at the right end from left to right. In each step one number and one word is rearranged. This process is repeated till the final arrangement. Input: sure 72 create 39 17 fever ultra 65 81 wind Step I. 17 sure 72 39 fever ultra 65 81 wind create Step II. 39 17 sure 72 ultra 65 81 wind create fever Step III. 65 39 17 72 ultra 81 wind create fever sure Step IV. 72 65 39 17 81 wind create fever sure ultra
Step V. 81 72 65 39 17 create fever sure ultra wind
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Directions (Q. 7-11):
Read the following and answer carefully
There are six teachers A, B, C,
D, E and F in a school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject. D’s optional subject is
History while three others have it as compulsory subject. E and F have Physics
as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an
optional subject of both C and E. History and English are A’s subjects but in
terms of compulsory and optional subjects, they are reverse of those of D’s.
Chemistry is an optional subject of any one of them. There is only one female teacher
in the school who has English as her compulsory subject.
D, E and F in a school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one
compulsory subject and the other optional subject. D’s optional subject is
History while three others have it as compulsory subject. E and F have Physics
as one of their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an
optional subject of both C and E. History and English are A’s subjects but in
terms of compulsory and optional subjects, they are reverse of those of D’s.
Chemistry is an optional subject of any one of them. There is only one female teacher
in the school who has English as her compulsory subject.
7. What is C’s
compulsory subject ?
compulsory subject ?
(a) History
(b) Physics
(c) Chemistry
(d) English
(e) None of these
8. Who is a female
member in the group ?
member in the group ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) None of these
9. Who among the
following has same optional subjects as that of the compulsory subject of F?
following has same optional subjects as that of the compulsory subject of F?
(a) D
(b) B
(c) A
(d) C
(e) None of these
10. Disregarding which
is compulsory and which is the optional subject, who has the same two subjects
combination as F ?
is compulsory and which is the optional subject, who has the same two subjects
combination as F ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) E
(d) D
(e) None of these
11. Which of the
following groups of teachers has History as the compulsory subject?
following groups of teachers has History as the compulsory subject?
(a) A, C and D
(b) B, C and D
(c) C and D
(d) A, B and C
(e) None of these
Solutions – | ||
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