GA Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021-Officer Scale 1 Exam

Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021Questions Asked in IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021

Questions asked in IBPS RRB PO Mains: Dear EP ‘ians, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has conducted the Online Examination for IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 Mains 2021 on 25th Sep, most of our followers given the examination. Here we have given the list of GK Questions asked in IBPS RRB PO Mains 2021 Exam, candidates can check it and make use of it.

GK Questions asked in IBPS RRB PO Mains Held on 25th Sep 2021:

1). What is the India’s rank in world competitiveness Index in BRICS Nations?

Ans: India maintains 43rd rank on IMD’s World Competitiveness Index.

(Covered in Page number 43 of Sure-shot file)

2). Which International Football Team name is Azzurri?

Ans: Azzurri is the nickname for the Italian national team.

3). Name the state which topped in Justice Index?

Ans: Maharashtra

4). What is the validity period of CET?

Ans: 3 years

5). Who won three gold medals in at world archery?

Ans: Deepika Kumari led the show with supreme authority to grab a hat-trick of gold medals as India made an unprecedented clean sweep at the World Cup Stage 3

Covered in Page of 42 of Important Sports from Last 6 Months Current Affairs (Mar to Aug 2021)

6). Name the app which was recently launched by Flipkart?

Ans: Shopsy App

(Covered in Page of 182 of Sureshot file)

7). Which government entity has recently launched the Shwas & Arog?


(Covered in Page 75 of  Sureshot file)

8). The condition when cash is not available in ATM is called as?

Ans: Cashout

9). eNAM in Agriculture is regulated by which organization?

Ans: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare

10). India spends just _____ of GDP on public healthcare

Ans: 1.26%

11). What is the new name of Rental Act?

Ans: The Model Tenancy Act, 2021

(Covered in Page 04 of Expected questions from june current affairs)

12). Salute Doctor is launched by

Ans: ICICI launches ‘Salute Doctors’ scheme for medics

(Covered in Page 170 of Last 6 months current affairs- banking finance)

13). APMC full form

Ans: Agriculture Produce Market Committee

(Covered in Page 100 of sureshot file)

14). What is the profit of public sector banks till now?

Ans: “These banks have reported a profit of Rs 31,817 crore in the financial year 2020-21 as compared to a loss of Rs 26,016 crore in the financial year 2019-20. This is the first year when PSBs have reported profit after five years of losses,”

15). Currently how many small finance banks are there in operation?

Ans: 11

(Covered in Page 45 of Banking Awareness)

16). In the remembrance of whom we are celebrating National Doctors Day?

Ans: Every year, July 1 is observed as National Doctors’ Day in the memory of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, who had his birth and death anniversary on the same day.

17). What is the India’s Population Index Ranking in Asia?

Ans: 2nd Rank

18). Who is the present LIC Chairman?

Ans: M R Kumar

(Covered in Page 142 of sureshot file)

19). Number of members in NATO?

Ans: 30

(Covered in Page 100 of Static GK capsule)

20). The period is basically a length of time during which you enjoy a holiday from your loan EMIs iscalled?

Ans: Moratorium

(Covered in Page 54 of Banking awareness)

21) Which Place GI Tag Banana Export to Dubai? 

Ans: Jalgaon.

22) Who topped the ‘World’s 50 Greatest Leaders’ list for 2021, released by Fortune Magazine?

Ans: Jacinda Ardern.

(Covered in Page 123 of last six months important one liner)

23) Denmark ranks 1 in the World Corruption Index 2020. Which other country also ranks 1?

Ans: New Zealand.

24) When ATM not available cash for with Draw Called?

Ans: Crunch.

25) G7 commitment for Global Corporate Tax is_____

Ans: 15%

(Covered in Page 212 of last six months important one liner)

26)  What is India’s rank among BRICS Nations in the World Competitive Index 2021?

Ans: Second (after China)

27) The government of India holds what per cent share of IDBI Bank?

Ans: 45.48

28) The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 is the bankruptcy law of India that seeks to consolidate the existing framework by creating a single law for insolvency and bankruptcy.

29) India’s rank in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021 by Startup Blink?

Ans: 20

(Covered in Page 217 of last six months important one liner)

30) RBI has announced that it has hiked the maximum end of day balance for payment banks from and to what?

Ans: Rs 2 lakh from Rs 1 lakh.

(Covered in Page 50 of last six months important one liner)

31)Who President of United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)?

Ans: Nazhat Shameem.

32) When will be the next RBI Monetary Policy 2021 take place?

Ans: October (6 to 8).

33)  The current population of Index of India is what, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data?

Ans: 1,396,642,642

34) How many Aspirational Districts present in India?

Ans: 124.

(Covered in Page 13 of last six months important one liner)

35)  Which airport won the Global award for the quality of service?

Ans: Cochin airport

36) Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sectors Rejuvenation (RAFTAAR) is a unique scheme of the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare.

37) A technology that uses the internet for storing and managing data on remote servers, and then access data via the internet is called?

Ans: Cloud computing

38) NABH is a constituent board of Quality Council of India is set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for?

Ans: Hospitals

39) WHO named various variants of the coronavirus using which language to simplify public discussions and also help remove stigma from the names?

Ans: Greek

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This post was last modified on September 27, 2021 9:14 am