Hello friends this is Chitrarth Nirmal one of the old member of Exampundit. Though I got selection in 2017, its July 2018 when I am jolting doing my journey from being a banking aspirant to a JMS 1 officer in Bank of Baroda. So lets begin……
Graduated in July 2015, started my banking preparation from August 2015. Exampundit was the first site I found for preparation. Initially I was the silent reader till November 2015. During my silent phase I gave RRB OS1 exam on September in which I cleared sectional cut off but not the overall cutoff. Then came ibps po, cleared pre and even cleared mains overall cut off but failed in reasoning cut off ( was totally unaware of the pattern – long long puzzles,difficulty level….) i never expected this kind of level and was very confident of clearing ibps po in my 3 months preparation. After this I was completely shattered and being all alone in this field with no guidance and support stopped my preparation for a month which was a big mistake.
Then one day probably in December I started conversing in ATM page of exampundit and slowly a nd steadily become quite active and gain the confidence for preparation once again with the help of dada specially. My next exam was LIC AAO in march 2017, prepared hard for it but the cut off went too high 255/300 and I got 244. Again I was totally disappointed and heartbroken. Next exam was sbi junior associate which I gave without preparing much for ga. After this was my dream exam sbi po pre……. Cleared pre quite handsomely nd even cleared mains and was called for the interview/gd round. Meanwhile I also gave UBI pgdbf exam nd cleared it too whose interview fall before sbi interview so gave it for a rehearsal. Both of the interview went well. Wasn’t selected in ubi final list but was happy as it was my 1st interview and I went that far.
Then came the day for sbi result………………….. not selected……. Tears started falling which became more severe when the marks was displayed….. 49/49.75 fell short from being sbi po by just 0.75 marks. From then I gave exams without fear as I was totally dejected. Meanwhile during Diwali sbi junior associate result came… fell short by 1.25 marks. By that time I started getting the instinct that success in not too far. Gave bob pgdbf, BOM pgdbf, ibps po nd clerk.
Called for interview for bob pgdbf in November whose result came in December 8. Selected in the 20th batch of bob pgdbf in Bangalore. First full fledged success for me and I was very happy. Next day came the ibps po result again cleared the overall cut off by a huge margin but again failed in reasoning. After this came the bom result and was called for the interview but I didn’t went. My last exam was Niacl aao which I thought was the only one who can fill the gap for my sbi po failure. In this too I secured 97 nd the cut off was 99. So finally I joined bob pgdbf in march 2017 and become the officer in January 15th 2018. There was one more small success for me, cleared ibps clerk 2017 and got pnb but by that time I was in Bangalore for my bob training.
There were many fellow aspirants whom I wanna thank during my journey…. Gaurav monga, bahubali, fighter, dixit, simi, and many more. A special thanks to dada and ruchi for their valuable guidance and support. And lastly I wanna thanks pritika who became my friend in mid 2016 and still one of my dearest friend. I learned many things from her specially the ga part which was my weakness nd she made it my strength. Thanks prithika for being with me in my journey.
Lastly I wanna mention that EXAMPUNDIT played a massive role for what I am today. Whether it was ga, quizzes, support, lifetime friends…..i gained a lot from it. It is a part of my family now. THANKYOU EXAMPUNDIT FOR ALL THIS……….
TIPS from my personal experience
- Never stop your preparation irrespective from which phase you are going as the competition is severe and your one mistake will drag you miles behind your competitors
- Study with a well planned strategy and give time to each subject daily
- Hard work never goes in vain
- Study till the day your name appears in the final merit list…..