Hello and welcome to exampundit . Here are some last moment tips shared by our very own Ketan Thakur.
To everyone who have their IBPS PO Prelims exam tomorrow, day after & on 27th:
Please stick to the following:
A. English:
Cloze test = 8 marks
Spotting Errors = 10 marks
B. Quantitative Aptitude:
1. DI x 2 = 10 marks
2. Approximation = 5 marks
3. Quadratic Equations = 5 marks
4. Number Series = 5 marks
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C. Reasoning:
1. Syllogism = 5 marks
2. Inequalities = 5 marks
3. Direction sense = 3 marks
4. Blood relations = 3 marks
You can do remaining questions in the time left. If you pick other questions before the above ones, you might waste your precious time and make mistakes in hurry.
The above will give you approx 55 marks easily.
All the best. The power is in your hands
Ketan Thakur
Team ExamPundit