Last Minute Strategy – IB ACIO 2017 Tier I Exam

Hello and welcome to exampundit. As you all know, IB ACIO 2017 Tier
I examination call letters are being activated on the basis of location. The
examination is few days away and it is high time you set a strategy to crack
it. Previously, we have provided the previous paper along both in English &
Hindi which was extremely helpful for all the aspirants.

First we will look into the
examination pattern of IB ACIO Tier I 2017.
The IB ACIO Tier I examination
will consist Objective type MCQs, divided into 4 parts containing 25 questions
of 1 marks each on:
a) General Awareness
b) Quantitative aptitude
c) Logical/analytical ability
d) English language.
Total Marks 100 and total time
will be 1 hour i.e. 60 minutes.
There will be negative marking of
¼ mark for each wrong answer in Tier-I.
In case you have missed it, we
have provided A list of Download Links of Free PDF e-Books for IB ACIO exam 2017.
Coming back to the point, there
are few points you have to follow in order to successfully crack the exam.
I. You have to keep in mind that the examination is NOT
like IBPS or SBI Bank exams. Although, they have mentioned “General Awareness”
in the notification, we request you to follow the pattern of SSC CGL General
Awareness. Which is, in simple words, A lot of GK and a little amount of
current affairs.
II. Unlike other SSC or central government non-banking
examinations, IB ACIO has showed some good level Quantitative Aptitude problems in the past. There have been questions from almost every chapters which include
mensuration, trigonometry and geometry. Similarly, follow the SSC CGL pattern
for Reasoning Ability problems.

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III. A lot of grammar is required for the English section.
To be very honest, Grammar is the key in English. Having a truckload of
vocabulary won’t help you fetch maximum marks. What can a person do with big uncommon
words if he or she doesn’t know what to put around them? Grammar is extremely
important for IB ACIO Tier I & Tier II as well as every other examination.
✔Try to score maximum from your
favorite subjects.
✔Make sure you read the questions
properly since it is NOT an online exam.
Don’t waste time on one question.
Don’t make guess attempts since it is
carrying negative marking.
Don’t panic on securing Sectional
Cut-off since the examination DOES NOT have any.
Safe Attempt & Expected Cut-off for IB ACIO 2017 Tier I
– As you all know we never predict cut-off or ask you to
prepare according to the cut-off. However, if one attempts somewhere between
72-78, it can be regarded as “safe attempt”.
How will you know how much you
can score? Well, there are good portals providing IB ACIO Tier I 2017 Mock
absolutely Free!
Get a Free Mock Test for IB ACIO

  1. TopRankers – Click Here to take Free Test
  2. OliveboardClick Here to take Free Test
  3. GradeUpClick Here to take Free Test

All the best!!

May the force be with you!

  EP Recommends: Toprankers Mock Tests
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