Hello and welcome to exampundit. Our very own Optimus Prime has share his Interview Experience of IPPB Scale I recruitment 2017.
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Venue Dak Bhawan Bhopal
Time 10:30
First biometric verification was done, followed by document verification.
After that we were asked to sit in a conference hall.
Then my turn came around 1:30pm.
Panel had 5 members. 4 sirs n 1 madam.
Only 3 of them asked questions rest were busy watching documents.
- Why ippb after pnb?
- Why do u want to join new organization?
- How will mergers affect banking industry?
- What is mortgage? And types?
- Difference between CC and OD?
- What is GST? Impact of GST on banking?
- Explain monetary policy?
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