Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is an Interview Experience shared by Sandhya from Maharashtra of IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2015.
Time 8.30 am
document verification taken almost 3 to 3.30 hrs
Here the moment comes..
On panel…3 Male and 1 Female
Me: May I come in pls
All: plz come in with warm welcome..(Felt awesome)
Asked me to sit
M1: Give your intro..given..see satisfied
M1: Had breakfast?..
Me: no….they offered me some biscuits.. J ..taken 1
M1: Kheti hai aapki?
Me:no sir
M1:(Looking surprised..)so..whats your fathers prof.
answered.. Do you have any bank account
M1: asked interest rate..as I was not knwing it..All started
asking me different rates ..I fumbled a bit
asking me different rates ..I fumbled a bit
again M1: Whats fixed deposit and its duration
M1: who decides these rates? Is it same for all? said
no…so asked If not den how it goes
no…so asked If not den how it goes
M2 started: he was Looking angry.. L
what’s diff between rrbs and credit co. societies…answered.
Didn’t seem satisfied.
Didn’t seem satisfied.
M2: which type of info outlets u see at bank..
M2: What provisions are there if one does not pay interest
Me: NPAs?
M2: yes ..
Me: sir SARFESI Act. Don’t know y but fumbled in its full
form(M1 helped me here J
form(M1 helped me here J
M2: what if any farmer didn’t repay your loan..kya uski
zameen cheenloge?
zameen cheenloge?
Me: no sir..n told him abt ..NPA which is diff for agi
loans..1 crop sesn n 2 crop seasns..
loans..1 crop sesn n 2 crop seasns..
M2: tab bhi nahi hua to??
Me: sorry sir I don’t know
M3: asked some different que.asked…..U must be knwing abt
third gender ppl..
third gender ppl..
me: yes
M3: Which facilities are provided by banks to them
With M3 it was normal communication rather than so called
question answer session..
question answer session..
M3: why all you engg. coming in this field. Felt like..why
he is saying like this..
he is saying like this..
Now it’s the Lady who starts with Big smile
F: asked something which M not able to recall right now.
Even I failed to answer this to her
Even I failed to answer this to her
F: Asked me about Sukanya Samriddhi scheme…details..
Me: explained well
Asked fellow members if anyone wanted to ask something. Everyone
said No.
said No.
All said; thank you..and All the very Best. Again all
Greeted thank u
When I was about leave they started discussing about my
intro…but didn’t turned back….
intro…but didn’t turned back….
That’s all my Friends. All the very Best.
Just be Yourself n Keep yourself cool 
Team ExamPundit
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