Important Descriptive Topics for IBPS PO 2018 – 2

Important Descriptive Topics for IBPS PO 2018Important Descriptive Topics for IBPS PO 2018

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Today we are sharing the second list of most Important Descriptive Topics for IBPS PO 2018. These includes Important Essay and Letter topics.

Important Descriptive Topics for IBPS PO 2018

Important Descriptive Topics for IBPS PO 2018 – Essay

  • Colonisation in a new planet or Repair Earth. What is the need of the hour?
  • Should Government increase and allocate more capital to ISRO?
  • Digital Economy – Is India really ready for this?
  • Social Media’s Influence in our lives. Opinion.
  • Renewable Energy: Can India lead Solar Energy, Wind Energy revolution?
  • Banking Frauds: Result is Rising NPAs; Better to Prevent now than to run after


Important Descriptive Topics for IBPS PO 2018 – Letters

  • A letter to the editor of newspaper on how we can curb e-waste in India.
  • Write a letter to your younger brother about the do’s and don’ts of Social Media.
  • A letter to the editor stating your opinion on how Sports can be improved in India.
  • Write a letter to the bank manager to apply for Loan for your start-up business.


The above topics are based on the recent Current Affairs as well as Important Social Issues.

Check the Part 1 of Important Descriptive Topics

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Check out the our article on How To Prepare for IBPS PO 2018 General Awareness.



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