IBPS RRB OS-I 2017 Interview Experience – Pallavi

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Our mentor Pallavi has shared the IBPS RRB OS-I 2017 Interview Experience from Punjab.

IBPS RRB OS-I 2017 Interview Experience

Here it goes….

Good eve..!!!


Venue : Ahulawalia college kapurthala Punjab

Time :1pm


Nodal bank that conducted interview : Punjab Gramin bank


There were 3-panels && my interview was @ panel-2


There were total 6 members(one lady + 5-male members)


Me : May I come in ??


Sir: yes come in..take ur seat.. I said thankeww 🙂


M1: so pallavi what is the meaning of your name?

Me: it’s a Sanskrit word && if u divide the word in two parts it become Pal + Avi means THIS MOMENT 🙂


They said aah u discover this your own I said yes…aah nice ..:)


M4: strength and family details

Told 🙂


M2: difference b/w saving & current account ??

I explained 🙂


They all were nodded their head and said good good ..aah 🙂


M3 : FD’s and Rd’s ??

I explained 🙂


M5 (lady) : so who is Punjab Rajasthan and j&k cm ??

I told 🙂


M6 : wat u know about Parliament?? && RRB ka role and importance??

Explained in a very precise manner 🙂

They all said good very good he he 🙂


Interview lasted hardly 5-7 mint …&& at the end M4 said okay “this moment” you may leave now 🙂


#panel members were very polite:)


Hope for the best 🙂


And good luck 🙂 🙂


If you want to share your Interview Experience, simply mail us at exampundit@gmail.com