IBPS PO 2014 – Interview Experience – Apoorva Goyal

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Apoorva Goyal from Dehradun shared her IBPS PO 2014 Interview Experience with us.

DATE: 23rd Jan, 2014
Time : 1:00 pm
Panel : I
I had my interview at 1 o’clock. I reached by 12.40pm and
then at 1 pm, we were asked to go in. There we were asked to keep all our documents
in the correct order. The people verifying the documents are very friendly and
ask you many questions too. They say, just don’t get nervous, everything will
be good.
Then we waited and the interview process started at 3 pm. I
was 7th on my list and my turn came at around 4.10 pm.
I entered, there were 5 people in my panel. 4-males, age
group of 50-55 and one girl, she must be around 25.
I entered and greeted all of them, they asked me to sit.
M3: ok so tell me about yourself?
Me: I told and as i came to my hobbies I said calligraphy.
M3: What is calligraphy?
Me: It’s an artistic way of handwriting. And explained
further. (they seemed interested to know)
M4: Ok what have you done?
Me: B.tech in electrical and electronics
M4: ok, tell me the whole process of TV transmission and the
working of TV.
Me:  I explained.
M4: ok how can you watch TV without cable?
Me: dish TV and explained its process.
M4: Any other method of watching TV?
Me: Sir, through internet?
M4: Yes.
M1: Tell me about Reserve Bank of India?
Me: Told about its establishment and working and functions
M1: Monetary policies?
Me: Explained
M1: What is CRR? How much is CRR?
Me: CRR is the cash reserve ratio which the bank has to keep
with the RBI. It is 4%.
M2: ok tell me about the significance of 25th Jan?
Me: Sorry sir, I don’t know.
M1: ok tell me 3 female union cabinet ministers?
Me: Smriti Irani and Sushma Swaraj. I am not able to recall
the name of others.
M1, M2 looked at me like I knew nothing while M3 and M4
smiled to make me comfortable.
M5 (the lady asked): ok what do you mean by economy?
Me:  Economy is the
total financial health of the country in terms of all the goods and services
produced in the country within a financial year.
M1: Ok tell me about Yuva Nitiya in 2014 implemented by the
Me: Sorry sir, I don’t know.
M2 – So you are a B.tech with a good score then why you are
shifting in banking, why not your own PSU?
Me:  “ Sir, in the PSU
in my sectors , the growth rate is very slow which is the very reason I have
shifted my focus to banking.
I was motivated by my seniors who got into banking and now
after 3 years they are managers, so I was inspired and motivated by them to go
into the banking sector.
M4- How will it benefit us?
Me: Few years down the lane, when I have the power to give
loans, many electrical companies come to get loans for electrical sector, which
I will have the technical knowledge of.

Note: The answer she has given about PSU and Banking Sector is perfect. As it shows the clarity and also the realistic approach.

They looked at each other, smiled and said. That would be
all. Thank you.

Me: Thank you, have a great night ahead.
Overall it was a great experience and I came out feeling
happy. My interview was not for more than 5-6 minutes. While going out, they
smiled at me and said Thank you, the panel member were very supportive and made
me feel comfortable in every question they asked me. Even if I didn’t knew the
answer of any question, they just smiled and asked the next question.
All the best to everyone who is out there. Don’t feel
nervous and just be yourself, that is what the interview is all about. Just
give them proof that you are worth to be a PO.

That’s all guys and Thanks Apoorva for sharing your Interview experience in IBPS PO 2014. She is one of the most sincere aspirants in our Facebook group.

You can mail us your Interview Experience at admin@exampundit.in or message us in our Facebook Page.


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