Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Anjali Shrimali from Bhopal shared her IBPS PO 2014 Interview Experience with us.
You can mail us your Interview Experience at admin@exampundit.in or message us in our Facebook Page.
Hi, this is Anjali Shrimali from Bhopal.
So there were 5
members in the panel. 4 male and 1 lady. Verification took hardly 10 min
members in the panel. 4 male and 1 lady. Verification took hardly 10 min
I was one third number.
Panel members were very friendly and cooperative. It was
kind of a healthy discussion.
kind of a healthy discussion.
- M1- What do you mean by break-even point?
- M2- Difference between Micro and Macro Economics?
- M2- What is the responsibilities of an officer?
- M3- What is the Difference between vision and mission?
- And what is your vision?
- If we select you what will be your mission?
- M4- X and Y theory of motivation?
- What is ROC?
- M5- If We will appoint you in RRB and there are 2 Clerks for your
help and 1 Officer. They all are double than your age. Then how will you imply your
rules and regulations?
And at last He asked me are you a teacher or debater. I said
no sir. They were looking satisfied.
no sir. They were looking satisfied.
Overall it was a good and positive experience for me.
suggestion I want to give, don’t stick to the definition.
suggestion I want to give, don’t stick to the definition.
Try to explain in your
own way, try to use examples.
own way, try to use examples.
Try to think out of the box. And no need to worry,
they are very cooperative.
they are very cooperative.
But document verification team was very strict. So keep
every documents well arranged.
every documents well arranged.
That’s all guys and Thanks Anjali for sharing your Interview experience in IBPS PO 2014. She is one of the most bright aspirants in our Facebook group.
You can mail us your Interview Experience at admin@exampundit.in or message us in our Facebook Page.
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