IBPS SO IT Officer Professional Knowledge – DBMS – 11

IBPS SO IT Officer Professional Knowledge

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of IBPS Specialist Officer IT Officer Professional Knowledge Test on Database Management System.

IBPS SO IT Officer Professional KnowledgeIBPS SO IT Officer Professional Knowledge



1. Which forms are based on the concept of functional dependency
A) 1NF
B) 2NF
C) 3NF
D) 4NF


Option: C


2. Which one is based on multi-valued dependency:
A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth


Option: D


3. The DBMS utility, ____________ allows to reconstruct the correct state of database from the backup and history of transactions.
A) Backup
B) Recovery
C) Monitoring
D) Data loading


Option: B


4. In the ……….. normal form, a composite attribute is converted to individual attributes.
A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth


Option: A


5. In RDBMS, Data is presented as a collection of …………
A) Table
B) Attributes
C) Relations
D) Entities


Option: C


6. A ……………… normal form, normalization will be needed where all attributes in a relation are not functionally dependent only on the key attribute.
A) First
B) Second
C) Third
D) Fourth


Option: C


7. To select all column from the table the syntax is:
A) Select all from table_name
B) Select * from table_name
C) Select from table_name
D) None of the above


Option: B


8. If an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an attribute of the other composite key, normalization called ……………. is needed.
C) Fourth
D) Third


Option: B


9. Identify the criteria for designing database from the point of view of user
A) No redundancy
B) No inapplicable attributes
C) Uniformity in naming & definitions of the data items
D) All of the above


Option: D


10. The ………… operator preserves unmatched rows of the relations being joined.
A) Inner join
B) Outer join
C) Union
D) Union join


Option: B


11. Which of the syntax is correct for insert statement?
i) insert into values ii) insert into (column list) values A) i-only
B) ii-only
C) Both of them
D) None of them


Option: C


12. PJNF stands form:
A) Practically –join normal form
B) Project –join normal form
C) Pages –join normal form
D) programming –join normal form


Option: B



Team EP



This post was last modified on November 14, 2018 10:10 pm