Exam Review – IDBI Manipal 2015

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is the Official Exam Review of IDBI MANIPAL 2015 Exam.

Reasoning was reportedly easy in the morning shift but in
the evening shift it was said to be confusing for some of the aspirants.
There were questions from Inequalities(non-coded), Sentence
Coding, Syllogisms, Machine Input-Output, Puzzle was also there.  The puzzles had mixed response from all the
Mostly students were happy with the reasoning part in both
English was also reportedly Easy to moderate in both of the
shifts together. However, a lot of candidates managed to attempt a good number
of questions in this test.
There were Cloze Test, Sentence Corrections, Sentence
Rearrangements, Partial sentence rearrangements (bolded words).  The Comprehensions were reportedly bit
lengthy and was based on financial topic.
All over English was not disappointing for most of the
General Awareness was mostly from Expected Questions as per
our members. There were a lot of questions from Schemes launched by Government.
Also, National Parks and other Stock GKs were present in a good number.
The GA was also satisfying for the Exam Pundit followers.
The Numerical Ability, unlike the other tests had Moderate
response. Some were happy, some were not. There was Data Interpretation,
Inequalities and Data Sufficiency. On the other hand, there was Quadratic
Equation questions, series, Data Analysis, Age Based problems, Probablility,
Profit and Loss and other Arithmetic Topics.
All over Numerical Ability i.e Quantitative Aptitude had
mixed response from both of the shifts.
Most of the candidates were happy with this exam. The
average attempt, regardless of any category, varied between 140-158 in both the
All the best. May The Force Be With You.


Team ExamPundit


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