EP’s Descriptive Contest 2017 – 2 – Essay & Letters for SBI PO, BOB Manipal and NICL AO

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is the 2nd Part of the descriptive contest for SBI PO, BOB Manipal and NICL AO exams 2017. Last time we had 4 topics which had no winner. So we are listing them again. The old topics are in ITALICS.


  1. Alcohol Ban – Is it the only way to stop crimes & alcohol consumptions? – Comment.
  2. Your views on Censorship & Freedom in the art of Filmmaking.
  3. Traditional Banking V/s Digital Banking – Your Opinion.
  4. Digital Economy – Pros & Cons.
  5. Can ISRO overtake NASA in future? – Comment.


  1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper describing the success or failure of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. (You can write about either success or failure of SBA)
  2. Write a letter to the bank manager for activating Internet Banking Service in your account.
  3. Write a letter to the bank manager to share an innovative idea to boost digital banking.
  4. Write a letter to the editor on how the internet can boost the Agriculture Sector in India.
  5. Write a letter to the editor about TRAI’s role in controlling the overpriced plans by telecom companies.
Rules to Participate

  1. At least 2 topics need to be submitted.
  2. Submit your topic by 10 May, 2017.
  3. Send your essay and letter to exampundit@gmail.com
  4. Make sure you send it in MS Word format.
  5. Do not Copy Paste from some place.
  6. Make it moderate. Not long. Not Short.
  7. Use your Vocabulary 🙂

The 3 most consistent winners will be rewarded with a special gift.

All the best.

May the force be with you!


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