English Quiz for Upcoming Bank Exams 2017 – Set 2

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for Upcoming Bank Exams 2017.


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Directions (Qs.1 to 3): In each
of the following questions, three or four sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, as the case may
be form a meaningful paragraph/flow of thought. One of the sentences is missing
shown as __ You have to find out from (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E), which sentence
would best fit the missing part:
1. The myth that money in the hands of tribal goes on drink
and destroys families is belied by the
fact that almost all children in the area are in schools.
2. The girl students I met had certainly begun looking
beyond the lives of their parents.
3. ————-
4. I couldn’t help wondering what a trial they would blaze
if they had access to , the kind of education that most of us in the cities
take for granted.
Which of the following would best fit (3)?
A. They literally aimed for the stars under that indigo sky,
B. The corporate have value added to the local schools.
C. Education is the offshoot of income generation from
D. There is an opportunity cost to poor families and they
don’t send their children to school.
E. The city education is not as good as the one offered here
with the help of progressive NOOs.
1. ————
2. A typical smart phone allows the user to access the
internet. download movies and stream music anywhere.
3. If each and every person were to have access to a
powerful smart phone -projected to account for three of every four phones sold
by the middle of the next decade – mobile telephone could become a vehicle of
economic upliftment.
Which of the following would best fit (I)?
A. There is a paradigm-shift in local and STD, call rates.
B. Everyone carries a smart phone now-a-days including the
low end users.
C. The mobile phone has evolved far beyond a simple calling
D. With connectivity as the mantra, everyone will have
E. There is no denying that IT services widen the scope for
upward mobility.
1. There is a pattern here.
2. India does well in areas that have independent
institutions or clear rules, while we do very badly in areas where there -is
bureaucratic discretion or political involvement.
3. ————-
4. This pattern could give reformers a broad idea of how to
go forward in governance reforms: strengthen institutions and minimize
Which of the following would best fit (3)?
A. We come out badly in areas such as diversion of public
funds. public trust in politicians and favouritism in government decisions.
B. It is the well-known divide between rule’s and
C. Because of this pattern, most Indian Companies were
protected and inefficient till the reforms of 1991.
D. Inconsistent rules are worse than a well thought out
bureaucratic discretion.
E. The line between public sector and private sector will
have to be drawn very carefully.
4. In many cases in physics, one has to deal simultaneously with
collective and single-particle excitations of the system.
The collective excitations are usually bosonic in nature
while the single-particle excitations are often fermionic. One is therefore led
to consider a system which includes bosons and fermions. Hence,
Which of the following options is most likely to follow the paragraph
given above ?
(a) in this book, we discuss application of bosonic
particles and their consequences on physics.
(b) in this book, we discuss applications of a general algebraic
theory of mixed Bose-Fermi systems to atomic nuclei.
(c) in this book, we discuss excitations of collective and single
particles separately.
(d) in this book, we prove how collective excitations are bosonic
and singular excitation are fermionic.
(e) in this book, we prove that collective and singular excitation
cannot exist together.
5. Peter has suggested to me that the _________ of highly systematic
and _________ planning techniques may have led to a substantial _________ in
firms’ notions of what is likely to happen in the future, and thus to a
_________ in the incidence of mistakes, especially on the part of the _________
modern corporations.
(a) progressive development, exact, decline, decrease, tiny
(b) progress deterioration, exact, increase, decrease, tiny
(c) progressive development, precise, improvement, reduction,
(d) progressive development, precise, increase, decrease, large
(e) gradual growth, exact, increase, decline, large
6. Clinical practitioners _________ integrated mindfulness _________
treatment of _________ host of emotional and behavioral disorders, _________
borderline personality disorder, major depression, chronic pain, or eating
disorders. Number of such practitioners _________ increased substantially.
(a) have, in the, a, such as, has
(b) have, in the, the, like, have
(c) were, for, a, like, has
(d) have, for, a, like, has
(e) could, in the, the, such as, have
7. Ontologies are _________ equated with taxonomic hierarchies
of classes, class definitions, and _________ subsumption relation, _________
ontologies need not be limited to _________ forms.
(a) often, a, but, such
(b) often, the, yet, such
(c) frequently, a, yet, such
(d) often, a, yet, these
(e) often, the, but, these

Post answers according to the following format(s)
In case the options are ABCD, use the Appropriate Options.
Do Not Rectify anyone.

Minimum 5 Answers

If you have any doubt regarding any question of the quiz, kindly ask after the quiz is over i.e answers given.
Do Not CHAT here. If you have any query, use today’s Ask The Mentor Page.

Exampundit.in reserves the right to choose winner or give scores.


  1. Shalini – 7/7
  2. Arushi Mathur – 5.75/7
  3. Ruchi – 5.75/7


  1. e


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