English Quiz for SBI PO Prelims 2015 – Set 10

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of English Language Quiz for SBI PO Prelims.

Read each sentence to
find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error,
if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The option of that part is the
answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is (e). (Ignore errors of
punctuation, if any).
1. (a) I looked my relatives / (b) at the guest house, / (c)
but they arrived at the marriage party / (d) before noon and left on the car
before I arrived. / (e) No error.
2. (a) It has led to students participating in the seminar,
/ (b) a presentation and counseling by our students of disability / (c) an
international conference, exchange of e–lectures, / (d) and plans for a hockey
camp. / (e) No error.
3. (a) Once they reach my company / (b) they can view the
company details / (c) and the cluster details / (d) where the company actually existed. / (e) No error.
4. (a) It is an effort to providing a market linkage / (b)
to these management trainees so that buyers and exporters / (c) can get in
touch with them / (d) directly for sending enquiries for the products. / (e) No
5. (a) There was no money / (b) in the purse / (c) nor did I
had ATM to go / (d) to the Metro station. /(e) No error.
Direction (6-10) :
Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the
phrase given in bold in the following
sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct
as it is and no correction is required, mark (e) as the answer:
6. My daughter is not
sure if there are vacancies in her company, but she will
ask around the office.
(a) Will ask in the office.
(b) Can confirm it.
(c) Would call around the office.
(d) Will ask the colleagues out.
(e) No error.
7. Ridhi and Sidhi do
not have enough money for a treat so all of us need
to come down as well.
(a) Need to cheer up as well.
(b) Need to come apart as well.
 (c) Need to cut into
the treat.
(d) Need to chip in as well.
(e) No error.
8. She was a good
dancer, but she was hold on from succeeding
by her husband, who wanted her to
home instead.
(a) Was held back
(b) Will keep on
(c) Was hanged up
(d) Was holding back
(e) No error.
9. My brother–in–law
is planning a sleep off in Shimla on his
(a) Planning a show off
(b) Going to set over
(c) Planning a sleep over
(d) Planning to set up
(e) No error.
10. Kishan sends the
wrong file this time; we will have to dare it over.
(a) Have to cut it off.
(b) Have to dress up.
(c) Have to dispose it.
(d) Have to do it over.
(e) No error.


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