Hello and welcome to exampundit. Right since BOB came out with BOB PO PGBDF 2017-2018 notification, the talk of the town was “Psychometric test”. So today by this article we try to answer all the questions that might be going on in your mind.
Firstly, psychometric test is not going to be conducted for the very first time. IBPS in 2015 PO examination has conducted this. Even BOB in 2016 PGBDF PO programme has also conducted this test for candidates who successfully qualified the written examination.
So let’s discuss what this test actually is and what the purpose of conducting such test is.
Psychometric test as its name suggests is a psychological test to reveal the psychological behavior of a person. As per the previous pattern, the test will include a set of some general questions divided into two sections having 60 plus questions in each section.
Section A– One line general psychological questions.
Options for such questions will be– Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Strongly disagree and Disagree
Sample questions-
Q1. Do you feel depressed when you don’t meet your expectations?
(A) Strongly agree
(B) Agree
(C) Neutral
(D) Strongly disagree
(E) Disagree
Q2. Money is more important than happiness in todays’ world?
(A) Strongly agree
(B) Agree
(C) Neutral
(D) Strongly disagree
(E) Disagree
Q3. Would you part with your principles for the sake of money in the worst possible case?
(A) Strongly agree
(B) Agree
(C) Neutral
(D) Strongly disagree
(E) Disagree
Q4. Your focus at work is to achieve your goals anyhow?
(A) Strongly agree
(B) Agree
(C) Neutral
(D) Strongly disagree
(E) Disagree
Section B– Decision making questions.
A situation will be given with four likely decisions that one would make in that particular situation. You will be required to tick that one you think you would have done in that particular case. Let’s quote a hypothetical example to understand such type of questions.
Sample example-
Q1. You are walking down a street. You see a person misbehaving with a girl. That person has a weapon in his hand and the girl is frightened. What will you do?
(A) You will hope that person gains his conscious and stops frightening that girl.
(B) You will go and fight with that person to protect that girl.
(C) You will watch the whole situation and when required you will come to the rescue of the girl.
(D) You will call the police for the required help.
Q2. You have certain grave problems in your personal life because of which you are not able to complete your targets at the work. Your boss is pressurizing you to meet the targets or leave the job. What will you do?
(A) You will leave the job for personal issues require your attention much more than your career.
(B) You will do overtime at the work to meet your targets.
(C) You will talk to your boss regarding your issues and tell him it would not be possible to meet the targets this time.
(D)You will solve both the issues on your own without any help.
(E) You will talk to your boss regarding your issues and discuss how to manage both personal and professional life.
So there are a plenty of decision making situations one can quote. But everyone has a different way of analyzing a same situation. Some are able to give their best when they stay calm, some give their best under pressure etc. So, different persons react differently to a particular situation making them psychologically different from the other person.
Now given below are some more points regarding this test.
- This test is not evaluative.
- This test is not meant to rank you but just to understand your psychological behavior. Your result won’t be affected because of your performance in the psychological test.
- Be honest while answering. No one is going to form an opinion of yours’ in their mind.
- You need not to study anything for this. This is something you can answer without going through any book or any mock analysis and this is something to cheer about
So this was all about the psychometric test. The sole purpose of this article was to steady your nerves by providing you an insight about the same.
May the force be with you!
Team ExamPundit