Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018

Hello and welcome to exampundit. After SBI PO Prelims 2018 was concluded on July 8, 2018 we shared an Average Attempts Poll. We received 3257 responses for Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018 Poll. Today we are sharing the poll figures with you so you can guess and decide by yourself a probable Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018.

Please note that following Average Attempts are irrespective of Shifts, Categories in SBI PO Prelims 2018.


Reasoning Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018

1193 people said 15 to 18 attempts in Reasoning.

772 people said 19 to 21 attempts in Reasoning.

545 people said below 14 attempts in Reasoning.

441 people said 22 to 24 attempts in Reasoning.


Quantitative Aptitude Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018

1282 people said 15 to 18 attempts in Quantitative Aptitude.

834 people said 19 to 21 attempts in Quantitative Aptitude.

660 people said below 14 attempts in Quantitative Aptitude.


English Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018

811 people said 24 to 26 attempts in English.

697 people said 21 to 23 attempts in English.

637 people said 18 to 20 attempts in English.


Overall Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018

504 people said 58 to 60 Overall Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018.

487 people said 47 to 51 Overall Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018.

439 people said 52 to 54 Overall Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018.

421 people said 55 to 57 Overall Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018.

399 people said 61 to 63 Overall Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018.

353 people said 46 or below than that Overall Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018.


This Average Attempts in SBI PO Prelims 2018 does not assure you a chance neither should ever discourage you. This is simply a poll result by the aspirants for the aspirants.

All the best.


Do let us know your views in the comments.



Team Exampundit