Exam, notifications, preparation, results…the life of an aspirant revolves around these things. With these also come success and failures. Although these are two completely opposite scenarios but today, let us try to strike a balance here. When failure is in our fate, we get to hear that we should try to move forward as soon as possible. Focus on the next exam. But no one repeats these words when success comes.

The idea of succeeding in an exam is joyful. All our hard work pays off finally and we are one step closer to our destination. But, what we need to remember here is that it is not the final destination. We still need to grow and keep growing until the last day of our lives.

As far as failure is concerned, a lot of words have been already said and written about how to deal with it. The only thing that each of us needs to remember that dwelling on the past or focusing too much on the future can make our sight towards present a little blur. All we have in our hands is present and we need to make the best of it.

Never be afraid of the change, that’s the secret of growth. As soon as you accept the truth of today, your tomorrow will be brighter and shinier. Don’t get too excited about the success you got today and don’t be too upset about the failures you have faced today. Remain calm in every situation and focus on the present. Your celebration and mourning should be as short as possible.

The present is jubilant as we have transformed the dwelling (Exampundit). Let us welcome the new and better face of EP and work towards the next target together with double energy and enthusiasm. The road to success is not too hard when we are a bundle of passion.
