Why You Should go for SBI Junior Associates(Clerk) 2016

Hello and welcome to ExamPunditYesterday SBI Released its
Clerical Grade Recruitment Notification as Junior Associates in Customer
Support and Sales in SBI.

Aspirants(not everyone) were
happy till they saw the post name and number of vacancies.
The most common claims were,
1. This is a BPO Job
2. Why so many vacancies?
3. Its not SBI Clerk Exam
4. This is a Sales Job
5. We have to go door to door
Firstly we will explain the above
claims and statements then we will give you 3 reasons to go for this.
Claims –
1. This is a BPO Job – May be you
need to make a few calls. That does not make it a Call Center job. Moreover,
this is SBI – the bank where everyone wants to work.
2. Why so many vacancies? – a)
New Branches being set up, b) Clerical Grade vacancies came after 2 years.
3. Its not SBI Clerk Exam – Its
clearly mentioned that it is a clerical grade position. However, job role is
bit different.
4. This is a Sales Job – They have
mentioned about sales and marketing but they have not mentioned any TARGET.
Again, it is SBI not ABC Pvt Bank.
5. We have to go door to door – Do
you really think you have to go to every doorstep asking for new account? Loans?
Cards? SBI would have outsourced the project. They would not have issued a
notification to hire 10000+ people. You may do CAMPAIGN but not door-to-door.
Now, enough with the silly statements!!
Now let us give you 3 reasons why should you go for this job.
1. There are NO NEW Notification
which is better than SBI. There is no PO exam in the coming weeks, there is no
other clerk exams. Most importantly this is NOT a Private Bank job. We have
witnessed people going for LVB Clerk. Then why not SBI Clerk or SBI Junior
Associates? Just because it says customer support? Or just because it has that
scary word “sales” in it?
2. You will not get another
recruitment notification having 10000+ vacancies. It is an elite PSU bank
notification having 10000+ vacancies. What more do you want?
3. Exam pattern is totally new. This
new pattern can be in every exam this year. So, going for this job will
definitely give you a heads up regarding the new pattern.
In short, this is a SBI Clerical
Job not a Pvt. Job. So no matter who says what, if you are eligible and appear
for clerical exams, GO FOR IT. You never know what is there tomorrow.
So don’t
waste any opportunities.


Team ExamPundit


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:57 am