What to study for WBSEDCL Office Executive 2016 General Awareness

WBSEDCL Office Executive 2016 General AwarenessWBSEDCL Office Executive 2016 General Awareness

Hello and welcome to ExamPunditMany of our group members and
website followers have messaged and emailed us regarding an article on the
General Awareness for WBSEDCL Office Executive 2016.

So, we decided to provide a study
plan for WBSEDCL Office Executive 2016 General Awareness.
What are the topics you need to
cover in General Awareness?
  1. Current Affairs – Last 4 Months
  2. Indian Polity
  3. Indian Economy
  4. Days & Observance – Including
    Years and Decades
  5. Currency and Capital
  6. Indian History – Ancient, Medieval
    & Pre–Independence
  7. Geography – Mostly India &
    Famous World
  8. Stock GKs – Stadiums, Places
    & Famous Landmarks

Now, lets start with How to
Prepare General Awareness for WBSEDCL Office Executive.
Current Affairs – No need to
panic about Current Affairs for this exam. Because the CAs are less in amount
and they are NOT FROM BANKING NEWS or ANY FINANCIAL TOPICS. You need to cover
mainly the non–financial current affairs topics.
List of Current Affairs Topics You Need to Study:
  1. Recent Appointments
  2. Recent Deaths
  3. Books & Authors
  4. Sports including Mascots, Logos,
    Venues and Champions
  5. Major National Events
  6. Summits & Prizes

You need to study the recently
appointed names and recent obituaries. On the other hand, Books & Authors
of last 6 Months is Crucial. Sports News is very important for this exam, mainly
news about Mascots, Logos, Venues and Winners. Summits & Prizes are very
important for the WBSEDCL Office Executive General Awareness especially the
Nobel Prize and recent major summits. Simply study the current affairs from
Exampundit to ace it.
General Knowledge – Polity, Economy,
Stock GK, History, Geography
General Awareness contains mostly
General Knowledge Questions. Which simply means, you need to study GK for SSC
CHSL. Now, what do you need to study? The General Knowledge questions are basically
from Indian History, Polity, Economy, Places & Terms, Capitals &
Currencies, Days & Observances and Geography.
Details of the above topics:

Indian History – You need to study the basics to moderate of Medieval
& Pre–Independence Era. Don’t worry, we will be providing quizzes in the
coming days.
Geography – Basically you need to study the very basics of this
subject and mainly from the Atmosphere, Famous Lakes, Rivers, Mountains &
Hills. On the other hand, you can study the famous cities on the river banks.
Indian Polity – The Indian Polity section is very important for the
WBSEDCL Office Executive 2016 General Awareness section. You need to study
various Articles of the Indian Constitution as well as various facts &
events revolving around the Indian Constitution. Similarly for Indian Economy,
study the revolutions, various 5 year plans and famous personalities in Indian
Terms & Places – You also need to study names of famous places
and why they are famous. Similarly, you need to focus on Cities and their
Days & Observance – When studying the days & observance
section, read everything. Last 3 and Coming 3 years. For eg. 2016 is the International
Year of Pulses declared by the Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Finally, you need to read various
stadiums, capitals, currencies, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and
headquarters of organisations.
We will be providing General
Awareness Quizzes for WBSEDCL Office Executive 2016.
A detailed study plan for the
entire examination will be rolled out within a few days. We will also provide A
Warm Up Match and Computer Quiz for the Exam.
Till then, study hard and May the
Force be with You.


Team ExamPundit


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:58 am