What to study for UIIC Assistant General Awareness

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit.  A lot of people have mailed/messaged us to know what to study to for United India Insurance Co Assistant general awareness. So here we are, at exampundit, giving you tips and suggestion on what to study for UIIC Assistant GA 2014-15.
What to study for UIIC Assistant General AwarenessWhat to study for UIIC Assistant General Awareness

Current Affairs: You need to study current affairs from October to December 20, 2014. Read all the major events including Sports, Entertainment, Politics. Read our ExamPundit IBPS Clerk Magazine with the upcoming December Monthly CA magazine.

Financial Awareness:   Yes, it should be Financial Awareness not totally BANKING Awareness. So what is the difference? The simple is Financial Awareness includes anything related to Finance not specifically Banks. So you need to learn terms, acronyms, abbreviations, instruments related to both Banking and Insurance Sector. Keep Checking ExamPundit for Financial Awareness Quiz.

Insurance Knowledge: You should brush up your basic knowledge in Insurance sector as you will be going for an exam in the insurance sector. So follow exampundit’s Insurance Awareness PDF to prepare. Also read news related to insurance.

Stock GK: No need to study a lot of Stock GK, just read some basic questions. Since IBPS is conducting all these exams, you don’t need to think too much about Stock GK.

We wish you a good luck for the exam. All the very best.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 9:03 am