What to Study for SBI PO Prelims 2016 – WITH FREE MOCK TEST

Hello and welcome to exampundit . The most awaited bank exam, SBI
PO 2016 will kick off next week with the prelims. The preliminary exam marks
will not be added to the final marks of the candidate but it definitely will
decide your chances on the basis of you skills.

By skills, we mean, the
preliminary exam will test your ability to manage time rather than solving
tough sets of questions.
1) Quantitative Aptitude: The quantitative aptitude can gobble
up time easily. So you must have a proper time management plan for the
quantitative aptitude part. Spending a few more seconds on one problem will affect
your overall attempts. So it is best if you cannot do one problem, skip and go
Quantitative Aptitude test is
expected to have Data Interpretation which can be calculative. On the other
hand, you must prepare good level Simplifications for the SBI PO Prelims. The
questions from Data Interpretation & Simplifications can be moderate level
which will require speedy calculations. There is also Quadratic Equation
problems which can be of good level(SBI PO Level). Finally, the miscellaneous
problems such as Profit & Loss, Interest, Time & Work, Age Based
problems etc. are expected to be of moderate level.

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2) English Language: English Language can be cruel to many
when it comes to SBI PO. A lengthy comprehension always takes a lot of time, as
a result most of the candidates tend to avoid comprehension. But if you can
work on your reading speed, you can easily score maximum in English test. Cloze
Test & Comprehension can be of Moderate level and they are most likely to
be on topics from Banking & Finance sector. On the other hand, Sentence Rearrangements,
Sentence Correction will mostly be easy to moderate level.
3) Reasoning: Puzzle is the crucial type of question in
Reasoning test. One who can solve Puzzles and Seating Arrangements problems
fast, he or she can easily score a lot and save time. The questions from Syllogism
can be confusing sometimes, so you should start working on them. Input Output
questions has thin chance of appearing. The questions from Blood Relation Test,
Coding Decoding, Inequalities are expected to be of normal standard.
The key to succeed in SBI PO
Prelims is Speed. You must manage your time properly and prioritize every
section based on ability. If you are good at maths, go for it at first. If you
are good in English, don’t wait, just go for it. Its all about securing maximum
marks in One Hour.
You can try the FREE MOCK TEST
for SBI PO Prelims 2016 from the below link:
All the best
May the force be With you.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:56 am