What to Study For NICL AO 2015 Specialist

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. So a lot of candidates have been mailing us and asking us what to study for National Insurance Co. Ltd  Administrative Officers Specialist Category. We re-searched a lot, we contacted the Specialist Candidates of last year to confirm the syllabus.


For Finance Specialty you need to study the Fundamentals of Financial Systems, Economical Markets, Basic Concepts of Economics, Monetary Systems, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, Infrastructure, Nature and Key Components of the Indian Economy and All the things you have learned in ICWA/PGDBA FINANCE.This is an exampundit original content. Here is the link of ICWA Syllabus which will help you to get the basic concept of the syllabus.[Link]

Information Technology

For the candidates of IT, you need to study exactly the way you have prepared for IBPS IT Officer. The question pattern of the NICL AO Specialist will be similar to GATE and SBI SO.

Here is the syllabus which is equivalent to the NICL AO Specialist Syllabus.[Link]

Automobile Engineering

The Automobile Engineering candidates need to study what they have learned in their first 4 semesters of the course and obviously their specialized subjects. Team exampundit is trying hard to arrange the question papers. The question pattern will also be similar to what we have seen in GATE Exam.

For the Legal Officer aspirants, you need to study similar to what a IBPS LAW Officer Studies. The syllabus as far as we, team exampundit know is similar to LLB syllabus which includes, Constitutional Law, Evidence, Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Prop Laws, Spl Contract N.I Act, Jurisprudence, Professional Ethics & Cases of Professional misconduct under B.C.I rules+ Arbitration Act, Limitation Act, Company Law, Labour and Industrial Law, Administration Law, Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Accidents and Consumer Protection Law.
You can Click Here for question papers.

So, that’s all we have for now, we are trying our level best to provide you all the necessary things.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on July 20, 2019 10:28 am