The Fighter’s Puzzle Test for Bank PO – July 26, 2016

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here are the puzzle for today of “the fighter’s Puzzle Test for Bank PO”.

The answers will be discussed by the aspirants at the end of the day.

The fighter, Chitrarth are in-charge of this segment.
Puzzle 1:
Eight members T, U, V W, X, Y, Z
and A of a family are sitting around a circular dining table facing towards centre
of table. there are two couples. One who is the grand mother of U, is sitting fifth
to the left of the father of X. T  who is
the mother of U.. is second to the right of her mother-in-law. Z who is son of W,
is in front of his only sister-in-law. Y who is only daughter of X is third to the
right of her only uncle. V who is not neighbour of Z is third to the riight of W
who is a male. Son of W is not the neighbour of W and Z. A is not neighbour of his

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Puzzle 2:
Ashutosh, Dhanya, Gagan, Manya, Harshit,
Pratiksha and Sakshann are seven persons who travel to office everyday by Virar
fast local train which stops at five stations – Borivalli, Malad, Andheri, Dadar
and Church Gate respectively after it leaves the base station i.e. Virar. Three
among them get in at the base station. Harshit gets down at the next station at
which Pratiksha gets down. Dhanya does not get down with either Ashutosh or Manya.
Saksham alone gets in at Andheri station and gets down with Gagan after one station.
Ashutosh travels between only two stations and gets down at Church Gate station.
None of them gets in at Malad station. Gagan gets in with Pratiksha but does not
get in with either Dhanya or Harshit. Manya gets in with two others and gets down
alone after Harshit. Dhanya and Harshit work in the same office and get down together
at Andheri station. None of them gets down at Borivali station.

Click here for all the fighter’s puzzle


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:56 am