The Fighter’s Puzzle Test for Bank PO – July 16, 2016

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here are the puzzle for today of “the fighter’s Puzzle Test for Bank PO”.

The answers will be discussed by the aspirants at the end of the day.

The fighter, Chitrarth are in-charge of this segment.

Puzzle 1:
Five persons A. B. V; R and S bought
ice creams of different brands viz Amul. Mother Dairy. Kwality, Naturals and
London Dairy. From every brand they bought different number of scoops of ice
cream ranging from 1 to 5. No two persons got same number of scoops of ice
cream of any brand and no person bought the same number of scoops of ice cream
of any brand. It is known that A bought 3 scoops of Kwality ice-cream and 5 scoops
of Amul ice-cream. The person who bought 1 scoop of London Dairy ice cream bought
3 scoops of Mother Dairy ice cream. S bought 4 scoops of Kwality ice-cream and he
bought greater number of scoops of Naturals ice-cream than Kwality ice-cream. V
bought 3 scoops of Mother Dairy ice cream and B bought 3 scoops of Naturals ice-cream.
R did not buy one scoop of Mother Dairy ice cream. He bought 3 scoops of Amul
ice cream and 2 scoops of Kwality ice cream. V did not buy 2 scoops of Amul ice
cream and B did not buy 4 scoops of Mother Dairy ice cream.
Puzzle 2:
Eight friend Dewey. Deniyal, Denmark. Denim. Decosta, Dutch, David and Delnaaz
are sitting around a circular table and all are facing towards, the center but not
necessarily in same order. Each of them represents eight different companies viz.
Phillips, Lenovo, Sansui, Apollo, Nikon, Aiwa, Uptron and Tata. Dutch sits second
to the right of representative of Aiwa. Representative of Nikon is an immediate
neighbour of representative of Tata. Denmark and Decosta are immediate neighbours
of each-other. Neither Denmark nor Decosta is an immediate neighbour of Deniyal
or representative of Tata. Two people sit between representatives of Nikon and Deniyal.
David and representative of Uptron are immediate neighbours. Only one person
sits between Denmark and representative of Sansui. Delnaaz sits third to the left
side of representative of Apollo and is the representative of Tata.
Representative of Aiwa sits second to the left of representative of Lenovo.
Representative of Phillips sits second to the right of Denim who is not the representative
of Nikon. Deniyal is not the representative of Uptron. Denmark sits second to the
left of Denim.

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Puzzle 3:
Eight girls Jiya, Mona, Priya, Mini,
Radha, Kirtir Ravina and Rini are sitting in a straight line in such a way that
only four girls are facing towards south, but not necessarily in the same order,
Mona sits fourth to the left of Radha who is not the neighbour of Kirti. Priya is
second to the right of Ravina who does not face towards north, The one who is third
to the right of Mona, faces south, Mini and Rini are neighbours of each other.
Rini is third to the right of Radha, Directions of Priya and Ravina are not same,
The one who sits between Jiya and Rini, faces north, Radha is not at any end of
a line.


Team ExamPundit

This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:56 am