The Fighter’s Puzzle Test for Bank PO – June 16, 2016

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here are the puzzle for today of “the fighter’s Puzzle Test for Bank PO”.

The answers will be discussed by the aspirants at the end of the day.

The fighter, Chitrarth are in-charge of this segment.

Puzzle 1:
There are six persons A, B, C, D,
E and F in school. Each of the teachers teaches two subjects, one compulsory
subject and the other optional subject. D’s optional subject was History while
three others have it as compulsory subject. E and F have Physics as one of
their subjects. F’s compulsory subject is Mathematics which is an optional
subject of both C and E. History and English are A’s subjects but in terms of
compulsory and optional subjects, they are just reverse of those of D’s.
Chemistry is an optional subject of only one of them. The only female teacher
in the school has English as her compulsory subject.
Puzzle 2:
Five friends P, Q, R, S and T
travelled to five different cities of Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, Bangalore and
Hyderabad by different modes of transport of Bus, Train, Aeroplane, Car and
Boat from Mumbai. The person who travelled to Delhi did not travel by boat. R
went to Bangalore by car and Q went to Kolkata by aeroplane. S travelled by boat
whereas T travelled by train. Mumbai is not connected by bus to Delhi and

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Puzzle 3:

Madan and Rohit are in the same
team of hockey. Parth defeated Rohit in badminton but lost to Sachin in tennis.
Nitin teams with Sagar in football and with Sachin in hockey. Rohit defeated
Sachin in chess. Those who play cricket do not play badminton, volleyball or
tennis. Madan and Parth are in opposite teams of basketball. Nitin represents
his state in cricket while Sagar does so at the district level. Boys who play
chess do not play football, basketball or volleyball. Madan and Parth are
together in the volleyball team. Boys who play football also play hockey.


Team ExamPundit

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