Syllogism Quiz for SBI PO Prelims 2015

Hello and welcome to ExamPundit. Here is a set of Syllogism problems for SBI PO Prelims 2015.

Each question given
below comprises some statements followed by four conclusions at serials I, II,
III and IV. You have to assume the given statements as true, be they different from
the generally known facts. Read out all the conclusions and then ascertain
which of them is justified by the given statements.
1. Statements—
Some fowls are insects.
All fowls are butterflies.
All insects are snakes.
I. Some snakes are fowls.
II. Some butterflies are insects.
III. Some snakes
are butterflies.
IV. Some insects
are fowls.
(A) None
(B) All
(C) Only IV
(D) Either I or III only
(E) None of these
2. Statements—
All apples are brinjals.
All brinjals are ladyfingers.
Some ladyfingers are oranges.
I. Some oranges are brinjals.
II. Some brinjals are apples.
III. Some apples
are oranges.
IV. All
ladyfingers are apples.
(A) None
(B) Either I or III only
(C) All
(D) Only I and III
(E) None of these
3. Statements—
Some newspapers are radios.
Some radios are televisions.
No television is magazine.
I. No newspaper is magazine.
II. No radio is magazine.
III. Some radios
are not magazines.
IV. Some
newspapers are televisions.
(A) None
(B) Only III
(C) Either I or II only
(D) Only I or II
(E) None of these
4. Statements—
All outlaws are meek.
Some meek (men) are clever.
All clever (men) are foolish.
I. Some foolish (men) are outlaws.
II. No foolish (man) is outlaw.
III. Some meek
(men) are foolish.
IV. All clever
(men) are meek.
(A) None
(B) I or II only
(C) III and IV only
(D) I or II and III only
(E) I, II and III or IV only
5. Statements—
All neem (trees) are fruits.
All fruits are vegetables.
No vegetable is sweets.
I. No fruit is sweets.
II. All vegetables are fruits.
III. Some sweets
are fruits.
IV. No vegetable
is neem (tree)
(A) Only I comes
(B) All come
(C) Only I and IV come
(D) Only II and III come
(E) None of these
6. Statements— All typists are stenographers.
Some stenographers are boys.
I. All boys are stenographers.
II. All boys are typists.
III. Some typists are boys.
IV. No typist is boy.
(A) Only I
(B) Only II and III come
(C) Either only II or III comes
(D) Either only I or IV comes
(E) Either only III or IV comes
7. Statements—
All mangoes are jackfruits.
All apples are mangoes.
Some oranges are apples.
I. No orange is mango.
II. All jack fruits are apples.
III. Some oranges
are mangoes.
IV. Some mangoes
are apples.
(A) All come
(B) None comes
(C) Only II, III and IV come
(D) Only III and IV come
(E) None of these
8. Statements—
All kings are beggars.
All beggars are labourers.
All labourers are careless.
I. Some careless (people) are kings.
II. No labourer is king.
III. All kings
are labourers.
IV. All labourers
are kings.
(A) Only I and II come
(B) Only I and IV come
(C) Only I, II and IV come
(D) All come
(E) None of these
9. Statements—
All artisans are painters.
All actors are gentle.
All gentle (men) are painters.
I. No artisan is actor.
II. All painters are actors.
III. Some gentle
(men) are not actors.
IV. Some artisans
are not gentle (men).
(A) None comes
(B) Either I or III and IV come
(C) Only II and IV come
(D) Either I or III and II as well as IV come
(E) None of these
10. Statements—
All artists are experienced.
All painters are experienced.
All patriots are strong.
I. All painters are strong.
II. Some strong (men) are experienced.
III. Some
patriots are artists.
IV. No artist is
(A) None comes
(B) Only I and II come
(C) Only I, II and III come
(D) All come
(E) None of these


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