Strategy for BOB Manipal 2018

Strategy for BOB Manipal 2018Strategy for BOB Manipal 2018

Hello and welcome to exampundit. With only 12 days to go, today we are sharing the detailed Strategy for BOB Manipal 2018 along with the Cut-off of BOB Manipal 2017.

In this Strategy for BOB Manipal 2018 you will be getting Important Chapters, Attempt Strategy and Cut-off of previous year.

So, lets get started.

Strategy for BOB Manipal 2018

Exam Pattern of BOB Manipal 2018

Test Name No. of Questions Maximum Marks
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude 50 75
General/Economy/Banking Awareness 40 40
Quantitative Aptitude 40 50
English Language 35 35
TOTAL 165 200

Composite Time for Objective Test is 2 Hours 30 Minutes.

Descriptive Test – English Language (Letter writing & Essay) – No. of questions are 2 and total marks is 50 with 30 minutes time.

Now, we will be listing down the most important chapters for BOB Manipal 2018. The following chapters you need to prepare with special attention. Also, don’t ignore the other chapters, do prepare them, but make sure you give special attention to these.

Important Chapters for BOB Manipal 2018:

  1. Puzzles – 4-5 Variables, Complex
  2. Input/Output Problems
  3. Direction Based Problems
  4. Seating Arrangements
  5. Coding-Decoding Problems (New)
  6. Alphanumeric Coding Problems
  7. Syllogisms  (Likely)
Quantitative Aptitude
  1. Calculative Data Interpretations
  2. Profit & Loss problems
  3. Average Problems
  4. Age Based Problems
  5. Quadratic Equations
  6. Compound Interest
  7. Time, Work & Distance based problems
General/Economy/Banking Awareness
  1. Current Affairs from April 15 to July 18, 2018
  2. Financial and Banking Current Affairs of Last 5 Months – You can get it from our Download Section
  3. Stock GK from Current Affairs & Static GK – Please see the article we have already given earlier
  4. Banking Awareness – Please read all our Expected Banking Awareness Questions
English Language
  1. Comprehension – New type, no direct questions like 8th Standard paper
  2. New Pattern Cloze Test
  3. Sentence Completion
  4. Sentence Connectors
  5. Incoherent Sentences
  6. Contextual Usage of Words
  7. Parallelism

All the above chapterwise quizzes are available in English Quiz section.

Descriptive – English Language (Letter writing & Essay)
  1. Formal Letter related to Bank or Editor
  2. Informal Letter based on Issues
  3. Recent Financial Topic Based Essays
  4. Essays related to experience, your thinking (eg. Travel, Books etc.)

Please check the “Descriptive Contest” Section for all the important topics.

Now, we will be discussing about BOB Manipal 2017 Strategy along with time management plan and a target score.

Attempt Strategy for BOB Manipal 2018

Time Allotment & How Much Should You Attempt in BOB Manipal 2018

Subject Time Allotted Target Marks
General Awareness ≤ 20 Minutes 32-38
Reasoning Ability ≤ 50 minutes 28-37
Quantitative Aptitude ≤ 50 minutes 26-34
English Language ≤ 25 minutes 31-36

On the other hand, the time allotted by yourself can easily be achieved with practice.

Which one to attempt first? Well, we recommend to start with your most favourite subject. This way you will be able to score good in the beginning of the examination and boost your confidence up.

After that, just go to the worst. Yes. This way, you will normalize your confidence and you will not do anything stupid out of over confidence.

And also, not to mention, going for the favorite subject in the beginning saves your time, and after that when you go for the worst in the second, you get sufficient time to solve and score.

Now, one of the most important thing to remember for any exam is that NEVER WASTE YOUR TIME ON ONE QUESTION. If you are finding trouble, just move on. It saves a lot of time and does not make you nervous that “Why I am unable to solve this??”.

Your primary and only target is to make sure you utilize the time properly and score a sufficient number of marks.

Cut-off marks of BOB Manipal 2017

Followings are the cut-off marks of BOB Manipal 2017 and this is shared only for those who want to see the previous year cut-offs.


Free Mock Tests for BOB Manipal 2018

PracticemockClick here to Give Free Mock Test

Oliveboard – Click here to Give Free Mock Test

Toprankers – Click here to Give Free Mock Test



All the best.

May the force be with you.



Team Exampundit

This post was last modified on July 15, 2018 11:21 am