Spot The Error English Quiz

1. In about five minutes, they would (A) / cover the distance from the road to the point
(B) / where the waves would (C) / begin lick their feet. (D) No error (E)

2. The devastating experiences (A) / of many wars taught some countries (B) / the necessary of pursuing peace (C) / at the expense of nationalist egos. (D) No error (E)

3. The former superstar recently (A) / visit an orphanage, (B) / fuelling speculation that
(C) / she is planning to adopt a child. (D) No error (E)

4. Accordance to a new study (A) / taking steps to remain healthy and young (B) / may help
delay (C) / the onset of Alzheimer?s disease. (D) No error (E)

5. A day after he was diagnosed with (A) / swine flu, preventive measures were put in
place (B) / to ensure that others were not (C) / affected by the dreaded virus. (D) No
error (E)

6. The administration has conclusive (A) / that it is retailers who are (B) / responsible
for upsetting (C) / the city?s household budget. (D) No error (E)

7. The assurances, unfortunately, (A) / remained on paper, as (B) / neither the Centre or
the state initiated steps (C) / for the development of the backward region. (D) No error

8. Sediment deposit along the coast (A) / may be the primary reason for (B) / the change
in conditions, (C) / but a lot more remains to be understand. (D) No error (E)

9. A committee will be set up (A) / to explore pros and cons by (B) / a common fee
structure, and will (C) / take a final decision on it within a week. (D) No error (E)

10. The infection which causes (A) / gums to bleed and teeth to fall out (B) / results from
the build-up of (C) / a particular bacteria that is common to most mouths. (D) No error (E)



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