Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme

Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy SchemeScale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme

Hello and welcome to exampundit. As a part of our Government Schemes PDFs Series, today we are sharing the PDF on Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme. This is important for all Bank PO, Clerk and Competitive Exams.

So, here is the detailed scheme with PDF. If you want to skip reading and download the PDF, swoop down below this page.

Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme

Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme in Brief

Launch Year 2018
Launched by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Scheme Outlay ₹70 crore
Launched initially Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha
Duration From 2018 to 2020
Objective Enhance the use of reliable and affordable renewable energy in Rural Areas


The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), GoI is implementing a project titled “Scale Up of Access to Clean Energy (ACE) for Rural Productive Uses”, an initiative to enhance the use of reliable and affordable renewable energy for rural productive uses/livelihoods in un-served and under-served areas.


About Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme

  • The proposed outlay of Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme for 2018-19 is ₹30 crore. And for 2019-20, the outlay is ₹40 crore.
  • So, the total outlay of Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme is ₹70 crore.
  • The scheme is being implemented in 3 states.
  • And the three states are, Assam, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha
  • It is launched for strengthening rural livelihoods, improving income gene ration and reduce use of fossil fuels.
  • So initially, a total of 19 districts have been identified in the 3 target states for implementation of the Scheme covering 1500 beneficiaries.
  • Subsequent to this, the scheme would be applicable to all districts of the 3 target states covering additional 28500 beneficiaries.


So, the 19 identified districts for the initial phase are:

  • Assam : Barpeta, Nalbari, Kamrup Rural, Darrang, Udalguri, Goalpara
  • Madhya Pradesh : Hoshangabad, Betul, Ratlam, Raisen, Dhindori, Balaghat, Sehore
  • Odisha : Koraput, Keonjhar, Khurda, Kalahandi, Puri, Mayurbhanj


Duration of the Scheme: So, the Scheme will be available for FYs 2018-19 and 2019-20.


Objectives of Scale-Up Of Access To Clean Energy Scheme

  • Enhance access to reliable and affordable RE for rural livelihoods while encouraging replacement of fossil fuels.
  • And, Create atmosphere for effective and innovative use of RE applications
  • Encourage innovation in addressing market needs and promoting sustainable business models.
  • Ensure a suitable supply chain for RE technology packages is established
  • Also, Support capacity building, awareness campaigns and human resource development.

Special thrust will be given on important rural livelihoods such as poultry, fishery, horticulture, dairy, biomass based local businesses, cottage and other village industries etc.

Scheme will be implemented through State Renewable Energy Development Agencies (SNAs) and State Rural Livelihood Missions (SRLMs). Also, they will act as the Implementing Agencies.



Check out the other Government Schemes PDFs from here


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This post was last modified on February 14, 2019 11:30 pm