SBI PO Exam 2021 Study Plan-Preparation Strategy & Study Material PDF


SBI PO Exam 2021 Study Plan | Preparation Strategy & Study Material PDF: Dear Aspirants, SBI PO exam is the most awaited exam of the year 2021. As we all know enormous numbers of candidates are looking forward to SBI PO recruitment. SBI will release exam notification, exam dates, and online application dates shortly. Before that aspirants must have to start their preparation because the aim of a huge number of candidates is to get into SBI PO 2021. Many of the aspirants follow some basic strategies to crack the SBI PO 2021. Starting the preparation before official notification gets released is one of the typical strategies which were followed by many aspirants. Many banking aspirants have dreamed about the SBI PO career and have the desire to crack in the first attempt itself.

SBI PO Exam 2021 Study Plan | Preparation Strategy

Many of our aspirants asked us how to crack SBI PO exams in the first attempt. To crack SBI PO 2021 in the first attempt might be difficult. But once we start following proper study plan and execute it successfully, aspirants can definitely crack SBI PO 2021. The first and foremost thing is to collect appropriate syllabus, exam pattern and high-quality SBI PO study materials including SBI PO previous year paper. The next thing is following the effective and accurate SBI PO 2021 study plan for their preparation.

Preparation Strategy for SBI PO 2021

Usually, most of the candidates follow our study plan for their successful preparation. For the SBI PO exam 2021, they expected us to provide SBI PO 2021 study plan. For that our professional expert’s team has spent 48 hours to prepare proper and accurate SBI PO 2021 study plan to crack the SBI PO 2021 with a high score. We have provided a detailed study plan along with the SBI PO 2021 study material. Candidates can deliberately follow the study plan and follow some basic tips to crack the SBI PO exam 2021.

Our study plan will cover all the topics from each section and provide time to practice on each topic. So the given SBI PO 2021 study plan will take you to the victory mark for sure in the heavy competitive examination. Herewith we have given SBI PO 2021 study materials for the candidate’s reference. Choosing the best study material is equally important as picking up the best SBI PO 2021 study plan. So we have provided SBI PO 2021 study material along with the study plan.

Some tips to crack SBI PO exam 2021:

  1. Be aware of time during the examination, for that candidate has to practice more during the practice sessions.
  2. Understand the exam pattern clearly and cover all topics in the syllabus.
  3. Practice from previous year SBI PO exam papers, and mock tests.
  4. Concentrate on lagging topics and spent more time in weaker areas compared to strong topics.
  5. Be confident about yourself, this will get rid of your fear and nervousness about your exams.

We hope the given SBI PO 2021 study plan and study material will be helpful for you to crack the SBI PO exam 2021. Keep in mind, the competition will be tougher when compared to last year, so prepare yourself to the core so that you will clinch success in the SBI PO exam 2021. And one more thing is that aspirants should try to prepare for SBI PO Prelims and the main exam together. The reason is usually the gap between SBI PO prelims and mains exam will be hardly one month. So candidates who want to crack SBI PO exams 2021 have to start preparing right now. Surely success is yours.

Note: In the below given 50 Days Study Plan, we have given all the important topics from the three sections and each topics were hyperlinked to concern Topic Study Material PDFs. Topics which was not hyperlinked will be added very soon. So, bookmark this page and make use of this Study Plan effectively.

50 Days Study Plan for SBI PO 2021

Day Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude English
1 Inequality Mathematical Operation Basics Parts of Speech- noun and pronoun
2 Coding and Decoding (5mark) (la sa ka) Division Rule (1-20) Parts of Speech – verb, tense and If clause
3 Alpha Numeric and Symbol Simplification Parts of Speech- Adjectives , Adverb
4 Circle Seating Arrangement (Single Tier) Approximation Parts of Speech- preposition and Interjection
5 Square Seating Arrangement (Single Tier) Number series Parts of Speech- Conjunctions
6 Rectangle Seating Arrangement (Single Tier) Wrong number Parts of Speech- gerund and infinitive
7 Triangle Seating Arrangement (Single Tier) Quadratic equation Misspelt Words
8 Certain number of people  CIRCLE Percentage Subject verb agreement
9 Certain number of people  LINEAR Average Idiom’s and  phrases
10 Blood relation Ratio and proportion Single fillers
11 Direction Table DI Double fillers
12 Syllogism Bar DI Phrasal replacement
13 Input and Output Line DI Cloze test
14 Floor Arrangement (Single Tier) Pie DI Sentence rearrangement
15 Parallel rows (Single Tier) Profit and Loss Error Spotting
16 Month puzzle (Single Tier) Ages Sentence Correction/ Improvement
17 Box puzzle (Single Tier) Partnership Reading Comprehension
18 Day puzzle (Single Tier) Caselets Sentence Completion
19 Year puzzle (Single Tier) Mixture and Allegation Jumbled Sentence
20 Age puzzle (Single Tier) Double DI– part I Shifting / Arrangement of words
21 Month and Day Puzzle (Single Tier) Missing DI – – part I Rearrange the word
22 Floor and Flat puzzle (Single Tier) Income Expenditure DI Word replacement
23 Stack Arrangement (Single Tier) Percentage type DI Pick up the correct Starter /connector
24 Random Puzzle (Single Tier) Time and work Usage of words
25 Order and Ranking (All types) Pipes and Cisterns Identifying correct sentence
26 Numerical Series (3number 5 set) Time, speed and distance Match the column
27 Alphabet series (3 alphabet 5set Train problem Cloze test (new type)
28 Coding Decoding (5 mark) (1steven last odd type) Boats and Streams Reading comprehension (new  type)
29 Coding Decoding (1 mark) Simple interest Vocabulary (1-5)
30 Alphabetical order (1 mark) (Forward and backward) Compound interest Vocabulary (6-10)
31 Alphabet (1 mark)(meaningfull words) Probability Vocabulary (11-15)
32 Data Sufficiency Permutation and Combination Vocabulary (16-20)
33 Odd one out Mensuration Vocabulary (21-25)
34 Circle Seating Arrangement (Two Tier) Data Sufficiency Vocabulary (26-30)
35 Square Seating Arrangement (Two Tier) Quantity 1 and Quantity 2 Single fillers
36 Rectangle Seating Arrangement (Two Tier) Double DI– part II Double fillers
37 Triangle Seating Arrangement (Two Tier) Missing DI – – part II Phrasal replacement
38 Floor Arrangement (Two Tier) Double DI– part III Cloze test
39 Parallel rows (Two Tier) Missing DI – – part III Sentence rearrangement
40 Month puzzle (Two Tier) Double DI– part III Error Spotting
41 Box puzzle (Two Tier) Number series Rearrange the word
42 Day puzzle (Two Tier) Wrong number Word replacement
43 Year puzzle (Two Tier) Quadratic equation Match the column
44 Age puzzle (Two Tier) Table DI Usage of words
45 Month and Day Puzzle (Two Tier) Bar DI Identifying correct sentence
46 Floor and Flat Puzzle (Two Tier) Line DI Rearrange the word
47 Stack Arrangement (Two Tier) Pie DI Word replacement
48 Random Puzzle (Two Tier) Simplification Pick up the correct Starter /connector
49 Certain number of floor Approximation Vocabulary (11-40)
50 Profession puzzle Caselets Vocabulary (41-50)

50 Days Study Plan for SBI PO 2021 Download in PDF

Important Information about SBI PO 2021 Recruitment

THE COMPLETE Static GK Capsule in PDF

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Important Banking Awareness PDF for Upcoming Mains Exams

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This post was last modified on April 26, 2021 8:51 pm