SBI PO Prelims 2017: Quantitative Aptitude Quiz – Set 18

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for SBI PO Prelims based on Quadratic Equations and Number Series.

Directions (Q. 1-5):
In each of these questions, two equations (I) and (II) are given. You have to
solve both the equations and give answer
1) if x < y
2) if x > y
3) if x ≤ y
4) if x ≥ y
5) if x = y, or relationship between x and y can’t be
1. I. 6×2 – 49x + 99 = 0
II. 5y2 + 17y + 14 = 0
2. I. 5×2 = 19x – 12
II. 5y2 + 11y = 12
3. I. x2 = 3√1331
II. 2y2 – 21y + 55 = 0
4. I. 5x = 7y + 21
II. 11x + 4y + 109 = 0
5. I. 2×2 – 11x + 12 = 0
II. 2y2 – 17y + 36 = 0
Directions (Q. 6-10):
What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
6. 1717 1744 1869 2212 2941 ?
1) 3726 2) 3912 3) 4083 4) 4272 5) 4326
7. 1268 2051 2726 3301 3784 ?
1) 4183 2) 4296 3) 4312 4) 4443 5) 4508
8. 18 50 142 414 1226 ?
1) 3248 2) 3306 3) 3424 4) 3572 5) 3658
9. 28 33 109 560 3940 ?
1) 35125 2) 35235 3) 35485 4) 35705 5) 35915
10. 16 65.5 264.5 1061.5 4250.5 ?

1) 14008.5 2) 15009.5 3) 16006.5 4) 17007.5 5) 18008.5

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 1
  8. 5
  9. 3
  10. 4

If you need any explanation, kindly comment below. If you have any easy way to explain, you can always share and we will feature the comment!


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This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 10:29 am