SBI PO Mains 2017: Puzzle Test – 6

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Puzzle for SBI PO Mains 2017.


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Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below:

Five persons  live in five flats of different colours.
These flats are in a row. Each person prefers a different drink, drives a
different car and  eats different brand
of snacks. Each persons is of different ages, from 30 to 40 years, including
these two. Two ages are in the prime number, and one age is the multiple of 5
(except 30 & 40). Match the details. Paul drives Ford. The owner of Brown flat
drinks milkshake. Sam lives in the Maroon colour flat. Rax drinks coffee. The
Brown flat is next to the Blue flat. The difference between the ages of the one
who lives in Black flat and the one who lives in Blue flat is same as the
number of flats between them . The owner of violet flat eats Domino’s. The
person who eats Subway drives Bentley. The person living in the center flat
drinks juice. The one who drives Audi lives next to the one who eats Domino’s. John
lives in the first flat. The one who eats McDonald’s lives next to the one who
drives BMW. The one who eats Domino’s is the youngest. The one who lives in
Brown flat, is to the left of the one who lives in Blue flat. The one who eats
KFC drinks Tea. Difference between the ages of the one who lives in Maroon flat
and the one who lives in Black flat is an even number. The person who eats
McDonald’s has a neighbor who drinks Soda. Tom eats Pizza hut. John lives next
to the Black flat. The one who lives in Black flat is younger than the one who
drives Ford.
Q.1 Who amongst the following drives BMW?
a) Sam.
b) Tom.
c) John.
d) rax
e) Cannot determine.
Q.2 Who is the second youngest?
a) Rax.
b) The one who eats subway.
c) The one who drives BMW.
d) The one who eats Mcdonald’s.
e) Either b or d.
Q.3 Who amongst the following drives volvo.
(if the fifth car is Volvo) ?
a) Sam.
b) The one who eats Pizzahut.
c) The one who drives BMW.
d) The one who drinks milkshake.
e) Both b & d.
Q.4 What will be the value, if we multiply
the age of the one who drives Bentley with 5 ?
a) 150
b) 185
c) 200
d) 155
e) 175
Q.5 Who drinks soda ?
a) Paul.
b) The one who lives in violet flat.
c) Rax.
d) The one who drives Audi.
e) Cannot determine.
Q.6 What will be the value if we add the
ages of the one who drives BMW, Sam and the one who drinks tea ?
a) 101
b) 107
c) 98
d) 102
e) None of these.
Sam is related to John, in the same way Tom is related to the one who
drives Audi. Then ______ is related to the one who Ford?
a) Tom.
b) Rax
c) The one who drinks soda.
d) The one who drives Bentley.
e) None of these.


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This post was last modified on July 20, 2019 12:38 pm