SBI PO Mains 2017: English Quiz based on New Pattern – 2

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for SBI PO Mains 2017 based on the new pattern and the difficulty is above moderate.

Directions for questions 1 to 5: Arrange the sentences A, B, C and
D to form a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6.
1. 1. Making people laugh is
A. At times, the intended humour
may simply not come off.
B. Making people laugh while
trying to sell them something is a tougher challenge, since the commercial can
fall flat on two grounds.
C. There are many advertisements
which do amuse but do not even begin to set the cash registers ringing.
D. Again, it is rarely sufficient
for an advertiser simply to amuse the target audience in order to reap the sales
6. There are indications that in
substituting the hardsell for a more entertaining approach, some agencies have
rather thrown out the baby with the bath-water.
2. 1. Picture a termite colony,
occupying a tall mud hump on an African plain.
A. Hungry predators often invade
the colony and unsettle the balance.
B. The colony flourishes only if
the proportion of soldiers to workers remains roughly the same, so that the
queen and workers can be protected by the soldiers, and the queen and soldiers
can be serviced by the workers.
C. But its fortunes are presently
restored, because the immobile queen, walled in well below the ground level,
lays eggs not only in large enough numbers, but also in the varying proportions
D. The hump is alive with worker
termites and soldier termites going about their distinct kinds of business.
6. How can we account for a
mysterious ability to respond like this to events on the distant surface?
3. 1. According to recent
research, the critical period for developing language skills is between the age
of three and five years.
A. The read-to child already has
a large vocabulary and a sense of grammar and sentence structure.
B. Children who are read to in
these years have a far better chance of reading well in school, indeed, of
doing well in all their subjects.
C. And the reason is actually
quite simple.
D. This correlation is far and
away the highest yet found between home influences and school success.
6. Their comprehension of
language is therefore very high.
4. 1. High-powered outboard
motors were considered to be one of the major threats to the survival of the
Beluga whales.
A. With these, hunters could
approach Belugas within hunting range and profit from its inner skin and
B. To escape an approaching
motor, Belugas have learnt to dive to the ocean bottom and stay there for up to
20 min, by which time the confused predator has left.
C. Today, however, even with much
more powerful engines, it is difficult to come close, because the whales seem
to disappear suddenly just when you thought you had them in your sights.
D. When the first outboard
engines arrived in the early 1930s, one came across 4 HP and 8 HP motors.
6. Belugas seem to have used
their well-known sensitivity to noise to evolve an ‘avoidance’ strategy to
outsmart hunters and their powerful technologies.
5. 1. The reconstruction of
history by post-revolutionary science texts involves more than a multiplication
of historical misconstructions.
A. Because they aim quickly to
acquaint the student with what the contemporary scientific community thinks it
knows, textbooks treat the various experiments, concepts, laws and theories of
the current normal science as separately and as nearly seriatim as possible.
B. Those misconstructions render
revolutions invisible; the arrangement of the still visible material in science
texts implies a process that, if it existed, would deny revolutions a function.
C. But when combined with the
generally unhistorical air of science writing and with the occasional
systematic misconstruction, one impression is likely to follow.
D. As pedagogy, this technique of
presentation is unexceptionable.
6. Science has reached its
present state by a series of individual discoveries and inventions that, when
gathered together, constitute the modern body of technical knowledge.
Directions for Questions 6 to 10: Each of the following questions
has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given
options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate
6. Relations between the factory
and the dealer are distant and usually strained as the factory tries to force
cars on the dealers to smooth out production. Relations between the dealer and
the customer are equally strained because dealers continuously adjust prices —
make deals — to adjust demand with supply while maximizing profits. This
becomes a system marked by a lack of long-term commitment on either side, which
maximizes feelings of mistrust. In order to maximize their bargaining
positions, everyone holds back information — the dealer about the product and
the consumer about his true desires
(1) As a result, ‘deal making’
becomes rampant, without concern for customer satisfaction.
(2) As a result, inefficiencies
creep into the supply chain.
(3) As a result, everyone treats
the other as an adversary, rather than as an ally.
(4) As a result, fundamental
innovations are becoming scarce in the automobile industry.
(5) As a result, everyone loses
in the long run.
7. We can usefully think of theoretical
models as maps, which help us navigate unfamiliar territory. The most accurate
map that it is possible to construct would be of no practical use whatsoever,
for it would be an exact replica, on exactly the same scale, of the place where
we were. Good maps pull out the most important features and throw away a huge
amount of much less valuable information. Of course, maps can be bad as well as
good — witness the attempts by medieval Europe to produce a map of the world.
In the same way, a bad theory, no matter how impressive it may seem in
principle, does little or nothing to help us understand a problem.
(1) But good theories, just like
good maps, are invaluable, even if they are simplified.
(2) But good theories, just like
good maps, will never represent unfamiliar concepts in detail.
(3) But good theories, just like
good maps, need to balance detail and feasibility of representation.
(4) But good theories, just like
good maps, are accurate only at a certain level of abstraction.
(5) But good theories, just like
good maps, are useful in the hands of a user who knows their limitations.
8. In the evolving world order,
the comparative advantage of the United States lies in its military force.
Diplomacy and international law have always been regarded as annoying
encumbrances, unless they can be used to advantage against an enemy. Every
active player in world affairs professes to seek only peace and to prefer
negotiation to violence and coercion.
(1) However, diplomacy has often
been used as a mask by nations which intended to use force.
(2) However, when the veil is
lifted, we commonly see that diplomacy is understood as a disguise for the rule
of force.
(3) However, history has shown
that many of these nations do not practice what they profess.
(4) However, history tells us
that peace is professed by those who intend to use violence.
(5) However, when unmasked, such
nations reveal a penchant for the use of force.
9. I am sometimes attacked for
imposing ‘rules’. Nothing could be further from the truth. I hate rules. All I
do is report on how consumers react to different stimuli. I may say to a
copywriter, “Research shows that commercials with celebrities are below average
in persuading people to buy products. Are you sure you want to use a
celebrity?” Call that a rule? Or I may say to an art director, “Research
suggests that if you set the copy in black type on a white background, more
people will read it than if you set it in white type on a black background.”
(1) Guidance based on applied
research can hardly qualify as ‘rules’.
(2) Thus, all my so called
‘rules’ are rooted in applied research.
(3) A suggestion perhaps, but
scarcely a rule.
(4) Such principles are
unavoidable if one wants to be systematic about consumer behaviour.
(5) Fundamentally it is about
consumer behaviour — not about celebrities or type settings.
10. Age has a curvilinear
relationship with the exploitation of opportunity. Initially, age will increase
the likelihood that a person will exploit an entrepreneurial opportunity
because people gather much of the knowledge necessary to exploit opportunities
over the course of their lives, and because age provides credibility in
transmitting that information to others. However, as people become older, their
willingness to bear risks declines, their opportunity costs rise, and they
become less receptive to new information.
(1) As a result, people transmit
more information rather than experiment with new ideas as they reach an
advanced age.
(2) As a result, people are
reluctant to experiment with new ideas as they reach an advanced age.
(3) As a result, only people with
lower opportunity costs exploit opportunity when they reach an advanced age.
(4) As a result, people become
reluctant to exploit entrepreneurial opportunities when they reach an advanced
(5) As a result, people depend on
credibility rather than on novelty as they reach an advanced age.
Answers & Explanations:
1.  (3) BADC is the correct answer choice. B
connects up well with 1 to introduce the topic: ‘Use of Humour in Advertising’.
There are ‘two grounds’ why an ad can be ineffective. ‘At times’ in A and
‘Again’ in D guide the reader to the “two grounds.” B–A–D are, hence, logically
connected. 1-B is a good pair because ‘making people laugh’ is qualified
further in B.
2. (2) DBAC is the correct answer
choice. 1. places focus on a “mud hump” and D describes “the hump is alive
…”. Hence, 1D is a mandatory pair. BA is another mandatory pair. B talks
about ‘the proportion of soldiers to workers’ and A talks about ‘unsettling the
balance’. A–C–6 are also connected. C talks about ‘restoring of fortunes’ by
the ‘queen termite laying eggs on a asrequired basis’ to make up the losses.
And 6 wonders at this ‘mysterious ability’ of the queen termite.
3. (4) BDCA is the correct answer
choice. ‘these years’ in B connects to ‘three to five years’ in 1. Then ‘this
correlation’ in D connects to what is elaborated in B. C then talks about ‘the
reason’ for this correlation, which is elaborated in A: ‘a large vocabulary and
a sense of grammar and sentence structure,’ and is summed up in 6 as:
“comprehension of language is high. Hence, we get 1–BDCA–6.
4. (1) DACB is the correct answer
choice. 1 introduces the topic: ‘High-powered outboard motors (OBM) … threats
to … Beluga whales’. D takes us back to the low-powered ‘first OBMs’ … in
the early 1930s’. ‘With these’ in A refers to the first OBMs’ in D and not to
‘high powered OBMs’ in 1, as the context makes clear later. Hence, A follows D
rather than 1. This rules out option (b) and (c). C brings us back to the
present, contrasting (‘however’) the ineffectiveness of ‘much more powerful
engines’ of today with the effectiveness of ‘the first OBMs’ of the early
1930s. B and 6 then explain the reason for the ineffectiveness of today’s
high-powered OBMs: the ‘avoidance strategy’ of the Beluga whales. Hence, 1 –
DACB – 6 flows logically as explained above.
5. (1) BADC is the correct answer
choice. The paragraph is trying to say that science textbooks and other
scientific writings do not present the advance of science in the correct
historical perspective and thereby present science as ‘a series of individual
discoveries and inventions … (6)’. ‘Those misconstructions’ in B connects it
with 1, leading to BADC as the correct answer choice. B is followed by A, which
tells us why science textbooks are arranged as they are and D praises ‘this
technique of presentation’ as ‘unexceptionable as pedagogy.’ ‘But’ in C
contrasts with D and guides the reader to the incorrect ‘impression that is
likely to follow.’ This impression is elaborated in 6.
6. (5) The paragraph stresses on
the relationships between the factories, dealers and the consumers. Every
entity has certain short-term expectations from each other. This makes these
relationships strenuous. This strain leads to feelings of mistrust and lack of
commitment. So the longer this continues, the more the chances of everyone
succumbing to this vicious trap and they would soon realize that they have
sacrificed longterm stability and gain for short-term benefits. Hence Option
(5). Option (4) is too specific to industry (at the cost of the other players –
dealers and customers), option (2) suffers from the same short-comings together
with throwing the technical (unexplained) jargon ‘supply chain’ to us. Option
(1) takes into account only 2 players and repeats what is stated in the passage
about “dealers adjusting prices and making deals” in the term ‘Deal making’;
option (3) seems close but can be eliminated as the word ‘adversary’ is too
strong. The passage implies that everyone tries to maximize his benefits, not that
they ‘oppose’ one another.
7. (1) The passage heads towards
describing the functions that bad / good maps (and therefore theories) serve.
Just as a ‘Bad theory’ does not help us understand a problem, a ‘good theory’
is invaluable to us, though it may be simplified. ‘Simplified’ here implies
that less valuable information is left out. According to this logic, option
(2), (3), (4), get eliminated. Option (5) is close but more negative in tone
than required. The word ‘limitation’ here indicates a short coming whereas the
passage implies that it is a simplification as it would not be of practical use
8. (2) Going with the direction
of the passage, the last line is stating ‘now all players “profess” to seek
only peace’. Profess means to mask or to pretend. Thus option (2) which talks
about the veil being lifted is the most logical statement that completes the
passage. More so this also follows from the source of the text.
9. (3) The answer is very direct.
With every statement of his, the author seeks to show how foolish those people
are who call his advice ‘rules’. After his first statement he has posed the
rhetorical question “Call that a rule?” The same should follow after his second
“scarcely a rule!”

10. (4) In the first part of the
passage, the author seeks to explain why one who is young would exploit an
entrepreneurial opportunity. Thus, in the second part of the passage once the
“however” is established, evidence will seek to show how older people will be
reluctant to exploit entrepreneurial opportunity. Option (2) seems correct but
it only gives a general statement that with age, people become reluctant to new
ideas. Between option (2) and (4), option (4) goes in continuation with the
text as it states that at a mature age, people are unwilling to utilize
entrepreneurial opportunities. So option (4) is correct.


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This post was last modified on November 27, 2017 8:53 am