SBI Clerk 2018: Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Prelims – 4

SBI Clerk 2018 Quantitative Aptitude QuizSBI Clerk 2018 Quantitative Aptitude Quiz

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Quantitative Aptitude Quiz for Prelims exam of SBI Clerk 2018.


Directions (Q. 1–6): Study the following graph carefully to answer the given questions.

Strength of seven technology institutes with specialisation in IT, Electronics and Mechanical in 2012



1. If the no. of students with Mechanical specialisation in each institute increased by 20% and the no. of students with Electronics specialisation in each institute decreased by 15% from 2012 to 2013, the total no. of students with Mechanical from all the institutes in 2013 is approximately what per cent of the total no. of students with Electronics specialisation from all the institutes in 2013?

1) 122

2) 116

3) 162

4) 132

5) 178

Answer & Solutions

Option: 5



2. What is the ratio of the total no. of students in institute R to that in V?

1) 39 : 43

2) 39 : 44

3) 37 : 44

4) 39 : 45

5) 38 : 43

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2



3. What is the difference between the total no. of students with IT specialisation from all the institutes together and the total no. of students with Mechanical specialisation from all the institutes together?

1) 260

2) 240

3) 280

4) 220

5) 250

Answer & Solutions

Option: 4



4. If the no. of students in institutes P, Q and R with IT specialisation increased by 15%, 22% and 10% respectively from 2012 to 2013, what was the total no. of students with IT specialisation in the three institutes together in 2013?

1) 1028

2) 1056

3) 1043

4) 1142

5) 1145

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3




5. If out of the total no. of students for all three specialisations together in Institute Q, the no. of students having liking for Music, Painting and Cricket are in the ratio of 5 : 6 : 7, then what is the no. of students having liking for Music from this institute?

1) 250

2) 300

3) 350

4) 360

5) 280

Answer & Solutions

Option: 1



6. In institutes P, T and U the percentage of girls out of total no. of students with Electronics specialisation in the respective institutes is 50%, 55% and 48% respectively, what is the total no. boys in these three institutes with Electronics specialisation?

1) 340

2) 386

3) 356

4) 360

5) 314

Answer & Solutions

Option: 1



7. A train moving at the speed of 72 kmh–1 crosses a bridge in 20 seconds. Another train 40 metres shorter moving at the speed of 18 kmh–1 crosses the same bridge. Find the time taken by the second train to cross the bridge.

1) 18 seconds

2) 30 seconds

3) 48 seconds

4) 60 seconds

5) 72 seconds

Answer & Solutions

Option: 5



8. A shopkeeper purchased 120 kg of grain at the rate of Rs.15 per kg from a wholesaler. He sold 60 kg at the profit of 10%. At what rate per kg should he sell the remaining grain to earn a profit of 15% on the total deal?

1) Rs.17

2) Rs.17.5

3) Rs.18

4) Rs.18.5

5) Rs.20

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3



9. A started a work and left after working for 5 days. Then B finished the remaining work in 16 days. Had A left the work after working for 8 days, B would have finished the remaining work in 10 days. In how many days can each of them alone finish the whole work?

1) 12, 20

2) 13, 26

3) 15, 24

4) 18, 30

5) None of these

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2



10. 45 men working 5 hours per day finish a piece of work in 12 days. In how many days can 60 women working 4 hours per day finish the same piece of work? 2 women do as much work in one hour as 1 man does in 1.5 hours.

1) 8 days

2) 10 days

3) 15 days

4) 18 days

5) 12 days

Answer & Solutions

Option: 3



11. 12 men and 8 women can earn Rs.13640 in 11 days. 6 men and 10 women can earn Rs.13800 in 15 days. In how many days will 10 men and 15 women earn Rs.8700?

1) 5 days

2) 6 days

3) 7 days

4) 4 days

5) 8 days

Answer & Solutions

Option: 2




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