SBI Clerk 2018: English Quiz for Prelims – 5

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for SBI Clerk 2018 Prelims examination based on new pattern cloze test & phrase error problems.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has commented (1) for making the country digital, and paved the way for electronic payments and receipts through applications such as the National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM), Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and online wallets. GoI intends to offer higher cashbacks if digital modes of payment are adopted. This has the potential to make India a country with low degree of corruption and black money, given that all transactions will be legitimate (2).

But there’s a flip side. Psychologically, cash brings with it inequality(3). By extension, cashless transactions imply irresponsibility. When we register (4) a debit or credit card, it doesn’t really pinch. But when we pay for something in cash, it makes us think several times, since we need to go to the ATM or bank regularly to get cash. So, what are the disadvantages of ‘digital’ spending? At the macro level, saving takes a hit, and the economy may be deprived of much-needed investment and capital accumulation in infrastructure and in other sectors required to boost the rate of economic growth.

At the micro level, the spending spree enabled by cashless transactions will imply less liquidity, and less saving for future generations. According to the Institute of Management Development’s World Competitiveness Centre, tech-savvy countries most digitally ready are Singapore, Sweden, the US, Finland and Denmark. The scores are based on the country’s ability to adopt digital technologies, leading to changes in government practices, business approaches and society in general. India is ranked 51st here. While the average domestic savings rate in the most tech-savvy countries is at 29%, and only at 15% in the least techsavvy ones, the future bonding (5) of the ‘savings and digital’ relationship is clear.

1. a) debated.

b) argued.

c) decided.

d) thought.

e) no change required.


Option: B

2. a) Pernicious.

b) Eirenicon.

c) Accounted for.

d) Apt.

e) No improvement required.


Option: C

3. a) responsibility

b) liability.

c) authority.

d) assurance.

e) no change required.


Option: A

4. a) snatch

b) scan.

c) swipe

d) grab

e) no change required.


Option: C

5. a) trajectory

b) system.

c) prophecy.

d) association.

e) no change required.


Option: A

Direction (6-10) : Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (e) as the answer:

6. My daughter is not sure if there are vacancies in her company, but she will ask around the office.

(a) Will ask in the office.

(b) Can confirm it.

(c) Would call around the office.

(d) Will ask the colleagues out.

(e) No error.


Option: E

7. Ridhi and Sidhi do not have enough money for a treat so all of us need to come down as well.

(a) Need to cheer up as well.

(b) Need to come apart as well.

 (c) Need to cut into the treat.

(d) Need to chip in as well.

(e) No error.


Option: D

8. She was a good dancer, but she was hold on from succeeding by her husband, who wanted her to manage home instead.

(a) Was held back

(b) Will keep on

(c) Was hanged up

(d) Was holding back

(e) No error.


Option: A

9. My brother–in–law is planning a sleep off in Shimla on his anniversary.

(a) Planning a show off

(b) Going to set over

(c) Planning a sleep over

(d) Planning to set up

(e) No error.


Option: C

10. Kishan sends the wrong file this time; we will have to dare it over.

(a) Have to cut it off.

(b) Have to dress up.

(c) Have to dispose it.

(d) Have to do it over.

(e) No error.


Option: D



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This post was last modified on September 7, 2018 3:32 pm