SBI Clerk 2018: English Quiz for Prelims – 29

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of English Quiz for SBI Clerk 2018 Prelims examination based on error detection.


Directions (1-5): Which of the phrases given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (E), as the answer.

Q1. The increased time devoting to watch television is one of the important cases of the decline in reading ability.

(a) devoted for the watch

(b) devoted to watching

(c) devoted for the watch of the

(d) devoted to keep watch

(e) No correction required

Answer & Solutions

Option: B


‘devoted to watching’ is correct expression.



Q2. Walking has distinctly advantageous over driving as you see many things while walking that you often miss while driving.

(a) have advantages distinctly

(b) is distinctly advantages

(c) has distinct advantages

(d) is distinct in advantageous

(e) No correction required

Answer & Solutions

Option: C

Explanation: has distinct advantages- is correct expression.



Q3. He turned down our proposal which we had prepared by so much dedication.

(a) had prepared with

(b) have prepared by

(c) were prepared with

(d) have been preparing for

(e) No correction required

Answer & Solutions

Option: A

Explanation: had prepared with- is correct expression.



Q4. Although family TV serials do vary, they have certain common elements.

(a) do not vary

(b) seldom vary

(c) rarely vary

(d) are varying

(e) No correction required

Answer & Solutions

Option: E

Explanation: No correction required.


Q5. We have profound faith and hopes for the future.

(a) faith for also hopes for

(b) faith in and hopes for

(c) faith and hopes for

(d) faith about and hopes in

(e) No correction required

Answer & Solutions

Option: B

Explanation: faith in and hopes for- is correct expression.



Directions (6-10): Find out the error, if any.

Q6. He does not fail to came to my help whenever I am in trouble.

(a) He does not

(b) fail to came

(c) to my help

(d) whenever I am in trouble.

(e) No Error

Answer & Solutions

Option: B

Explanation: Use ‘come’ in place of ‘came’.



Q7. During holidays I like visiting friends than staying indoors.

(a) During holidays

(b) I like

(c) visiting friends

(d) than staying indoors.

(e) No Error

Answer & Solutions

Option: C

Explanation: Use ‘more’ after friends.



Q8. She use my knife for cutting the paper.

(a) She use

(b) my knife

(c) for cutting

(d) the paper.

(e) No Error

Answer & Solutions

Option: A

Explanation: Write ‘she uses’.



Q9. My parents prevented me in accepting the invitation.

(a) My parents

(b) prevented me

(c) in accepting

(d) the invitation.

(e) No Error

Answer & Solutions

Option: C

Explanation: Write preposition ‘from’ in place of ‘in’.



Q10. Prabhakar is famous in his victory at Madras.

(a) Prabhakar is

(b) famous

(c) in his victory

(d) at Madras.

(e) No Error

Answer & Solutions

Option: C

Explanation: Write preposition ‘for’ in place of ‘in’.





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This post was last modified on September 7, 2018 3:29 pm