Reasoning Quiz – Puzzles – IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 – 2

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Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 on Puzzle.

The following reasoning quiz has 10 questions from Inequalities with 8 minutes.

[WpProQuiz 224]

Reasoning Quiz – Puzzles – IBPS Clerk Prelims 2018 – 2

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Seven boxes A, B, C, D, E, F, G are kept one above the other containing different number of chocolates. Not more than three boxes are kept below A. Two boxes are kept between A and the box containing 41 chocolates, which is kept above Box A. D contains thrice the number of chocolates than box B. Box C contains 50 number of chocolates. The number of chocolates in box G is a cube of a number. Only one box is kept between box containing 41 chocolates and the box which contains 39 chocolates. Only one box is between the box containing 50 chocolates and the one which contains 39 chocolates. Two boxes are between the box containing 50 chocolates and the one which contains 64 chocolates. The number of boxes between C and D is same as the number of boxes between C and the box which contains 13 chocolates. Box F contains 80 chocolates. One box contains 83 chocolates.

  1. How many box/boxes is/are kept between Box D and Box B?

(a) one

(b) two

(c) three

(d) more than three

(e) none

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Option: C


  1. How many chocolates are kept in box E?

(a) 50

(b) 13

(c) 83

(d) 41

(e) none of these

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Option: D


  1. Which among the following boxes contains the maximum and minimum number of chocolates respectively?

(a) G, E

(b) B, D

(c) B, A

(d) A, B

(e) none of these

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Option: D


  1. Which of the following combination is not true?

(a) 50-C

(b) 13-B

(c) 41-E

(d) 64-G

(e) All are true

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Option: E


  1. Which among the following boxes is kept immediately below box B?

(a) G

(b) C

(c) A

(d) No One

(e) none of these

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Option: D


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E 41
G 64
D 39
A 83
C 50
F 80
B 13




Study the following information and answer the questions.

L, M, N, O, X, Q and R, like different colours Red, Yellow, Green, Pink, Blue, Black, and Peach also they work in different companies i.e. B, C, D, E, V, F, and A (not necessarily in the same order). The one, who likes Blue colour, doesn’t work in company F. L likes Green colour and Q likes Yellow colour. Q doesn’t work in company V. M works in company B. The one who likes Red colour, works in company A. M doesn’t like Black and Blue colour. The one who likes Peach colour, works in company C. Neither N nor R works in company C. N doesn’t like Red colour. O works in company F. N works in company D.

  1. Q works in which of the following company?

(a) D

(b) C

(c) B

(d) E

(e) None of these

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Option: D


  1. Who among the following works in company V?

(a) Q

(b) M

(c) L

(d) N

(e) None of these

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Option: C


  1. N likes which of the following colour?

(a) Black

(b) Blue

(c) Pink

(d) Red

(e) None of these

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Option: B


  1. Who among the following works in company A?

(a) L

(b) R

(c) Q

(d) M

(e) None of these

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Option: B


  1. Four of the following five form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does not belong to that group?

(a) Red-R

(b) Yellow-Q

(c) Black-O

(d) Blue-N

(e) Green-M

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Option: E


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Friend Colour Company
L Green V
M Pink B
N Blue D
O Black F
X Peach C
Q Yellow E
R Red A



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This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 12:16 pm