Reasoning Quiz – Puzzle – 31

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz based on Mains Level Puzzles for upcoming Syndicate & Canara Bank PGDBF, IDBI Executive and SBI Clerk 2018 exams.

6 people Das, Maumita, Ajay, Shashank, Pallavi, Harshada work in various banks PNB, SBI, UCO, UBI, Canara, Syndicate and Live in various Cities Kolkata, Puri, Mohali, Raipur, Bengaluru, Mumbai. They Have different birthdates – 1,8,10,16,24,30. The person whose birthdate is 10th lives in Puri. Neither Ajay nor Pallavi lives in Puri. Harshada works in Syndicate bank,but he is neither from Puri nor Bengaluru. Shashank neither works in UCO nor lives in Puri. The person whose birthdate is 16th lives in Raipur. The person who lives in Mohali neither works in Syndicate bank nor Canara bank. Pallavi’s birthdate is 30th. The person who works in PNB is neither Shashank nor Pallavi. Ajay neither lives in Raipur nor Bengaluru.Das’s birthdate is neither 16th nor 10th. The person who lives in Kolkata, birthdate is neither1st nor 8th,but works in PNB. Harshada’s birthdate is neither16th nor 8th. Ajay neither works in PNB nor UBI. The person who works in Canara bank neither lives in Raipur nor Puri. Maumita works in SBI.

  1. Who works in UCO?

(A) Ajay

(B) Pallavi

(C) Das

(D) None


Option: A

  1. Whose birthdate is 1st?

(A) Das

(B) Ajay

(C) Harshada

(D) None


Option: C

  1. Which one is true?

(A) Harshada lives in Raipur.

(B) Das’s birthdate is 24th.

(C) Shashank works in UCO.

(D) None


Option: B

  1. Ajay’s birthdate is-

(A) 1st

(B) 10th

(C) 24th

(D) None


Option: D

  1. Who works in Canara bank?

(A) Das

(B) Ajay

(C) None of these

(D) Shashank


Option: C

  1. Harshada lives in –

(A) Mohali

(B) Mumbai

(C) Raipur

(D) Kolkata


Option: B

  1. The person who lives in Bengaluru, birthdate is-

(A) 1st

(B) 16th

(C) 30th

(D) 10th


Option: C

Show Solution
Name Bank City Birth Date
Das PNB Kolkata 24th
Maumita SBI Puri 10th
Ajay UCO Mohali 8th
Shashank UBI Raipur 16th
Pallavi Canara Bengaluru 30th
Harshada Syndicate Mumbai 1st



10 people – A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,P,Q like 7 different colours Red,Black,Blue,White,Yellow, Brown,Green- Green and play 10 different games – Table Tennis, Tennis, Football, Cricket, Golf,Wrestling, Badminton, Hockey, Rugby,Athletic.The person who plays Table Tennis neither likes Blue nor Green colour. Q neither plays Hockey nor Badminton. P neither likes Green nor Red colour. C neither likes Green nor Blue color. F neither plays Badminton or Wrestling. E neither likes white or green colour. D and H like same colour but neither green nor Red. H neither plays Badminton nor Tennis and the later does not like Green. B neither likes white nor Red. G plays football and alone likes Yellow. A neither likes Green nor Brown. B and F like same color which are neither Brown nor Blue. Red colour is liked by the persons who play Hockey and Golf. C plays Athletic but neither likes black nor white. The person who plays Rugby likes black with the person who plays Badminton. E neither plays Hockey nor Golf. The person who plays Cricket neither likes Blue nor White.

  1. Who plays Table Tennis?

(A) Q

(B) P

(C) E

(D) Cannot be determined


Option: B

  1. Who like red colour?

(A) A and Q

(B) C and  G

(C) D and H

(D) B and F


Option: A

  1. Which one is true?

(A) D – Badminton – Black

(B) G – Football – Yellow

(C) A – Hockey – Red

(D) All are true


Option: D

  1. Who likes white color?

(A) Q

(B) B

(C) P

(D) H


Option: C

  1. Odd one out-

(A) D – Tennis – Green

(B) E – Cricket – Yellow

(C) G – Rugby – Black

(D) H – Table tennis – Red


Option: C

  1. Who plays Wrestling?

(A) D

(B) B

(C) H

(D) Q


Option: B

  1. Black is liked by-

(A) D and H

(B) Who play Badminton and Rugby

(C) None of these

(D) both (A) and (B)


Option: D

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Person Sports T Shirt
A Hockey Red
B Wrestling Green
C Athletics Brown
D Badminton Black
E Tennis Blue
F Cricket Green
G Football Yellow
H Rugby Black
P Table Tennis White
Q Golf Red






Team EP


This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 12:16 pm