Reasoning Quiz – New Coding-Decoding & Blood Relation – 41

New Pattern Coding-Decoding for Bank PO Mains

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz on New Coding Decoding Problems & Blood Relation Problems for bank exams.


Bank Office Private Billion Hyper 4@E 6@N 6%T 6@O 8₹C
Amazon Crime Basket Knife Opalise 8%O 6₹S 8@E 4%M 4%F
Nothing Fought Versatile Wooden Article 6₹L 8@E 8%L 6@N 8@H

1. What is the code for fought?
(A) 6₹L
(B) 8%L
(C) 8@H
(D) None of these


Option: C

2. 4%M is the code for-
(A) Basket
(B) Knife
(C) Amazon
(D) None of these


Option: D

3. What is the code for ‘Google’?
(A) 8%L
(B) 8@E
(C) 6₹L
(D) 8@H


Option: A

4. What is the code for ‘crazy’?
(A) 5@Z
(B) 4@Z
(C) 6%Y
(D) 8₹R


Option: B

5. 6@O is the code for-
(A) Hyper
(B) Billion
(C) Private
(D) Office


Option: B


Solution: 1st digit: if the total number of letters in a word is an even no then add 2 & if it is an odd no then subtract 1.
2nd digit: if the 1st & 2nd letters of a word are both consonant then use the symbol @, if vowels then use ₹, if vowel and consonant both then use %.
3rd digit: the second last letter of the word.



If A÷B means B is the mother of A.
If A×B means B is the wife of A.
If A+B means B is the father of A.
If A-B means B is the brother of A.

6. Then which of the followings means R is the uncle of P?
(A) P-Q×R÷S+T
(B) P+Q-R×S÷T
(C) P÷Q×R-S+T
(D) None of these


Option: B


7. Which of the following means K is the grandfather of H?
(A) G×H-I÷J+K
(B) G+H×I-J÷K
(C) G÷H-I+J×K
(D) None of these


Option: A


8. What is the relation between V and X?
(A) Wife & Husband
(B) Sister-in-law & brother-in-law
(C) Brother & Sister
(D) None of these


Option: B


9. What is the relation between P and T?
(A) Grandfather and Grandson
(B) Grandmother and Grandson
(C) Father and Son
(D) None of these


Option: D & the relationship is Grandmother and grandchild(as the P’s sex is not determined).


10. Which of the followings shows that Z is the mother of O?
(A) M×N+O-Y÷Z
(B) M-N÷O+Y×Z
(C) M+N-O×Y÷Z
(D) None of these


Option: B



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This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 12:02 pm