Reasoning Quiz – New Coding-Decoding – 40

Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is a set of Reasoning Quiz on New Coding Decoding Problems for bank exams.


Visual  Leaves Babylips  Practical Exciting S3@  G4₹ L3@ L7₹ S4@

Exercise  Bowling Victorious  Launched Previous S5@  S4₹ G5@ E4₹ D4@


  1. What is the code for “Exercise”?

(A) S5@

(B) E4₹

(C) S4₹

(D) None of these



Option: B


  1. What is the code for “Living”?

(A) L3@

(B) L6₹

(C) G3@

(D) G6₹



Option: C


  1. L7₹ stands for-

(A) Babylips

(B) Practical

(C) Visual

(D) None of these



Option: B


  1. The code for “tagline” is-

(A) E4@

(B) T5@

(C) T5₹

(D) None of these



Option: D


  1. D4@ is the code for-

(A) Launched

(B) Previous

(C) Victorious

(D) Exercise



Option: A


1st digit: the last letter of the word.

2nd digit: if the total number of the letters in a word is an even number then divide by 2 and if it is an odd number then subtract 2.

3rd digit: if the second letter is a vowel then use the symbol @ and if it is a consonant then use ₹.





Corners  Sparkle Remember  Botany @8F %5Z ®8T  ₹7S

Doctor  Glorious  Engineer Opponent  ©7U £5S *7T #7S

  1. What is the code for “building”?

(A) @7G

(B) %7H

(C) £8N

(D) ₹9H



Option: B


  1. What is the code for “corners”?

(A) @8F

(B) ₹7S

(C) ®8T

(D) %5Z



Option: C


  1. £5S is the code for-

(A) Glorious

(B) Doctor

(C) Engineer

(D) Opponent



Option: B


  1. What is the code for “code”?

(A) ®3F

(B) @4E

(C) ®4E

(D) ₹3C



Option: A


  1. What is the code for Botany?

(A) ₹7S

(B) @8F

(C) ®8T

(D) None of these



Option: D


1st digit: the symbolic code for the first letter of the word : C-®; S-@; R-₹; B-%; D-£; G-*; E-#; O-©

2nd digit: if the total number of letters is an even number then subtract 1 and if it is an odd number then add 1.

3rd digit: the next letter of the last letter in a word according to English dictionary.




This post was last modified on June 2, 2019 12:02 pm